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Eco-Friendly and Economical Dyeing of Double-sided Cotton/Polyester Fabric

1 MPTex UR17ES33, ENIM, Monastir University, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia
2 LPMT UR 4365, ENSISA, UHA, F-68093, Mulhouse Cedex, France

This study has been carried out to dye double-sided cotton/polyester fabric by single bath method, with disperse and reactive dyes, without draining out the liquor after polyester side dyeing and with no extra chemicals. Three different dyeing procedures (two-bath two-step, one-bath two-step and one-bath one-step) have been used. The findings were evaluated in terms of dyebath exhaustion (E) and color strength (K/S) parameters. The experimental dyebath exhaustion values are found acceptable and fit well with the exponential model. Color strength for the one-bath dyeing procedures is found comparable with those of the two-bath method. The performed one-bath dyeing method is found more productive and environment friendly as compared to two-bath technique, because it saves the consumption of water, energy, time and chemicals.


Dyeing, Double faced cotton-polyester fabric, One-bath dyeing
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Abstract Views: 31

  • Eco-Friendly and Economical Dyeing of Double-sided Cotton/Polyester Fabric

Abstract Views: 31  | 


Elamri Adel
MPTex UR17ES33, ENIM, Monastir University, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia
Zarrouk Hamza
LPMT UR 4365, ENSISA, UHA, F-68093, Mulhouse Cedex, France
Charfi Adnene
MPTex UR17ES33, ENIM, Monastir University, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia
Hamdaoui Mohamed
MPTex UR17ES33, ENIM, Monastir University, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia


This study has been carried out to dye double-sided cotton/polyester fabric by single bath method, with disperse and reactive dyes, without draining out the liquor after polyester side dyeing and with no extra chemicals. Three different dyeing procedures (two-bath two-step, one-bath two-step and one-bath one-step) have been used. The findings were evaluated in terms of dyebath exhaustion (E) and color strength (K/S) parameters. The experimental dyebath exhaustion values are found acceptable and fit well with the exponential model. Color strength for the one-bath dyeing procedures is found comparable with those of the two-bath method. The performed one-bath dyeing method is found more productive and environment friendly as compared to two-bath technique, because it saves the consumption of water, energy, time and chemicals.


Dyeing, Double faced cotton-polyester fabric, One-bath dyeing