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High Occurrence of Jellyfish (Catostylus perezi, Ranson 1945) in Proximity to Industrial Development, Gulf of Kutch/Kachchh, India

1 Coastal and Marine Ecology Division, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Bhuj-Kachchh, Gujarat – 370 040, India
2 CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Puala, Goa – 403 004, India
3 Graduate School of Engineering and Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa – 903 0213, Japan

Here, the mass occurrence of Jellyfish, Catostylus perezi, Ranson 1945 is reported from the coastal waters of Gulf of Kutch/Kachchh, Gujarat, India. Although high productivity is a possible reason the presence of man-made infrastructures like thermal power plants and ports are further highlighted. A further assessment of the effects of these structures on marine life is suggested in this article.


High Productivity, Port, Power Plant, Scyphozoa.
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  • High Occurrence of Jellyfish (Catostylus perezi, Ranson 1945) in Proximity to Industrial Development, Gulf of Kutch/Kachchh, India

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D. P. Behera
Coastal and Marine Ecology Division, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Bhuj-Kachchh, Gujarat – 370 040, India
G. Thirumaran
Coastal and Marine Ecology Division, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Bhuj-Kachchh, Gujarat – 370 040, India
B. K. Sahu
CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Puala, Goa – 403 004, India
R. R. Das
Graduate School of Engineering and Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa – 903 0213, Japan


Here, the mass occurrence of Jellyfish, Catostylus perezi, Ranson 1945 is reported from the coastal waters of Gulf of Kutch/Kachchh, Gujarat, India. Although high productivity is a possible reason the presence of man-made infrastructures like thermal power plants and ports are further highlighted. A further assessment of the effects of these structures on marine life is suggested in this article.


High Productivity, Port, Power Plant, Scyphozoa.
