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Length-Weight Relationships for Five Fish Species from Gulf of Mannar, Southeast Coast of India

1 Marine Biology Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 028, India

The study documents length-weight relationships (LWRs) of five fish species viz. Chaetodon collare Bloch, 1787, Chaetodon octofasciatus Bloch, 1787, Pempheris mangula Cuvier, 1829, Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer (Cantor, 1849), and Rogadius asper (Cuvier, 1829) sampled from Gulf of Mannar, southeast coast of India. The fishes have been collected from bycatches of commercial trawlers from two landing centres of Gulf of Mannar during April, 2019 to March, 2020. The estimated co-efficient ‘b’ values ranged from 2.878 (Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer) to 3.146 (Chaetodon octofasciataus) and r2 values ranged from 0.953 (Chaetodon collare) to 0.989 (Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer). The results of LWR of five species show that these are highly significant (p < 0.05). Except Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer, the study is the first report of the LWRs of the four fish species which are not reported yet in FishBase.


Gulf of Mannar, Length-Weight Relationship, Southeast Coast of India.
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  • Length-Weight Relationships for Five Fish Species from Gulf of Mannar, Southeast Coast of India

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M. K. Das
Marine Biology Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 028, India
R. Rajendar
Marine Biology Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 028, India
C. Surendar
Marine Biology Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 028, India
P. Padmanaban
Marine Biology Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 028, India


The study documents length-weight relationships (LWRs) of five fish species viz. Chaetodon collare Bloch, 1787, Chaetodon octofasciatus Bloch, 1787, Pempheris mangula Cuvier, 1829, Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer (Cantor, 1849), and Rogadius asper (Cuvier, 1829) sampled from Gulf of Mannar, southeast coast of India. The fishes have been collected from bycatches of commercial trawlers from two landing centres of Gulf of Mannar during April, 2019 to March, 2020. The estimated co-efficient ‘b’ values ranged from 2.878 (Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer) to 3.146 (Chaetodon octofasciataus) and r2 values ranged from 0.953 (Chaetodon collare) to 0.989 (Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer). The results of LWR of five species show that these are highly significant (p < 0.05). Except Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer, the study is the first report of the LWRs of the four fish species which are not reported yet in FishBase.


Gulf of Mannar, Length-Weight Relationship, Southeast Coast of India.
