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Modeling of Accumulation Areas of Cohesive Sediments Entering the Southeastern Black Sea From Degirmendere River
Modeling transport, accumulation, and deposition areas of sediments are essential for assessing risks to coastal areas and the environment. In this study, the advection-dispersion and accumulation areas of cohesive sediments entering the Black Sea from Degirmendere Basin, the largest river basin on the Southeastern Black Sea coast, were modeled using the POMSED module, which is a submodule of The Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The fate of cohesive sediments in the marine environment has been predicted by different parameters, such as the change in the amount of cohesive sediment entering the Southeastern Black Sea, the dominant surface circulation, the effect of the wind pattern, and the anticyclonic cycle. In the high-flow seasons, the sediment drift velocity is also high. For large sediment drift velocity, cohesive sediments accumulate heavily in coastal areas east of the study area. It has been determined that high sediment drift velocity is the most influential parameter in determining the accumulation areas of cohesive sediments. In the low-flow seasons, the sediment drift velocity is also small. For small sediment drift velocity, cohesive sediments accumulate at the river's mouth under the influence of the predominant wind. This study will constitute the basis for coastal interventions to be carried out in the Southeastern Black Sea, port cleaning study plans, and risk assessment studies for areas where fishermen's shelters are located.
Cohesive sediment, Dominant surface circulation, Sediment drift velocity, Sigma-coordinate system, Wind pattern]
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