Vol 51, No 8 (2022)

Table of Contents

Vol 51, No 8 (2022)


Transportation of microplastic during high-flow and low-flow seasons in southeastern Black Sea: A modelling approach
D Yazir, Y Terzi, C Erüz
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 663-670
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 143  |  PDF Views: 74
Very severe cyclonic storm “Gaja” and its impact off the Tamil Nadu coastline
S S Salim, Monolisha S
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 671-679
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 111  |  PDF Views: 70
Observations on the mortality of olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) and associated factors along Ganjam coast, east coast of India
S P Pattnayak, B A K Prusty
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 680-687
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 112  |  PDF Views: 73
Evaluation of biochemical and antioxidant properties of crude extracts from the Indian cattle leech Poecilobdella granulosa
D Padmanaban, R G Muthusamy, G J Sahayanathan, K Raja, A Chinnasamy
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 688-693
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 126  |  PDF Views: 81
Characterization and biomedical application of Tetradecamethylcycloheptasiloxane, a silicone-type biosurfactant produced by Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus AJ9 isolated from solar salt works
M B S Donio, R Remya, M Michaelbabu, G Uma, T Citarasu
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 694-704
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 104  |  PDF Views: 77
Phenotypic characterisation and strain differentiation of Vibrio alginolyticus isolates from Muttukadu brackishwater lagoon
P E Praveena, T Thenmozhi, J J S Rajan, T Bhuvaneswari, S K Otta, K P Jithendran
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 705-713
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 105  |  PDF Views: 68
Occurrence of the feather star associated symbiotic brachyuran crab- Permanotus purpureus (Gordon, 1934) from the Andaman Sea, India
N K Nigam, C Sivaperuman, K K Bineesh
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 714-717
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 107  |  PDF Views: 84

Short Communication

Acropora teres (Verrill, 1866): in the verge of regional vulnerability from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
T Mondal, C Raghunathan, K Chandra
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 718-720
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 142  |  PDF Views: 85
Occurrence of an interesting Sweeper fish (Family: Pempheridae) from northern part of east coast of India
D Ray, S R Mohanty, Anil Mohapatra
 Vol 51, No 8 (2022), Pagination: 721-723
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 117  |  PDF Views: 68