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An Investigation of Job Satisfaction of Employees in Indian Hotel Industry

1 PhD Scholar, Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
2 Director, State IHM, New Tehri, Tehri Garhwal, Uttrakhand, India
3 Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India

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Today, job satisfaction has become pivotal aspect in achievement of organizational objectives viz-a-viz organizational performance in service industry and hotel industry is no exception in this context. In fact, hotel industry is people oriented industry where employees have to play crucial role in retaining and attracting guest. Thus, employee’s satisfaction has recognized and appreciated as a vital component repeating guests. Considering these aspects the present study aims to identify the Job Satisfaction parameters which are most significant in Hotel Industry with special reference to 5* hotels located in NCR. A self administered questionnaire was developed to collect the primary data from the respondents of 25 hotels in NCR. The convenience sampling method was used to collect data, 20 questionnaires were given, 10 managerial and 10 non-managerial employees from each hotel, thus, pooling of 500 respondents in all. 400 out of 500 respondents were statistically found usable for the present study. SPSS-2020 package was employed for data analysis. Furthermore, the data were analysed by employing, Factor Analysis, ANNOVA and t-test statistical tools. The outcomes of the study revealed that there is a common set of Job Satisfaction parameters that is most significant in Indian Hotel Industry. There is a minimal impact of demographic variables on job satisfaction constructs. The results indicated that there is a significant difference of demographic variable- gender on training & development, and where as age on brand satisfaction. The results also revealed implications for management.


Job Satisfaction, Demographic Variables, NCR, Hotel, Industry, Employees
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  • An Investigation of Job Satisfaction of Employees in Indian Hotel Industry

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Anil Lakhera
PhD Scholar, Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Yashpal Singh Negi
Director, State IHM, New Tehri, Tehri Garhwal, Uttrakhand, India
Mohinder Chand
Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India


Today, job satisfaction has become pivotal aspect in achievement of organizational objectives viz-a-viz organizational performance in service industry and hotel industry is no exception in this context. In fact, hotel industry is people oriented industry where employees have to play crucial role in retaining and attracting guest. Thus, employee’s satisfaction has recognized and appreciated as a vital component repeating guests. Considering these aspects the present study aims to identify the Job Satisfaction parameters which are most significant in Hotel Industry with special reference to 5* hotels located in NCR. A self administered questionnaire was developed to collect the primary data from the respondents of 25 hotels in NCR. The convenience sampling method was used to collect data, 20 questionnaires were given, 10 managerial and 10 non-managerial employees from each hotel, thus, pooling of 500 respondents in all. 400 out of 500 respondents were statistically found usable for the present study. SPSS-2020 package was employed for data analysis. Furthermore, the data were analysed by employing, Factor Analysis, ANNOVA and t-test statistical tools. The outcomes of the study revealed that there is a common set of Job Satisfaction parameters that is most significant in Indian Hotel Industry. There is a minimal impact of demographic variables on job satisfaction constructs. The results indicated that there is a significant difference of demographic variable- gender on training & development, and where as age on brand satisfaction. The results also revealed implications for management.


Job Satisfaction, Demographic Variables, NCR, Hotel, Industry, Employees
