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Impact of Reward, Recognition and Welfare on Employee Engagement
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The objective of study was to analysis the impact of rewards, recognition and welfare on employee engagement and to identify most contributing rewards recognition and welfare determinants on employee engagement in hotels of Tricity comprising of Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali. Data was collected from the employees of hotels which were approved from Ministry of Tourism, India (MOT). A regression model comprising of eleven determinants predictors explained 83% variation in employee engagement among employees of Chandigarh hotels. It was also significant to discover that reward, recognition and welfare has positive impact on employee engagement and out of fifteen identified reward, recognition and welfare determinants eleven were identified as most contributing towards employee engagement. Hence, it can be inferred that if rewards, recognition and welfare resources offered to employee then there would be a corresponding change in employee engagement. It means the better the rewards, recognition and welfare, the higher the levels of employee engagement and possibly therefore, the greater the levels of performance and productivity
Employee Engagement, Hotel, Reward, Recognition, Welfare, Hotel
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