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Purchase Intention of Indian Consumers on Online Travel Buying Decision: a Comparative Study on Metro and Non-metro City.
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The purpose of this paper is to find out the components of purchase intention towards online travel buying decision through literature and then develop a simple and precise model of online purchase intention. Further, this paper measures the impact of online purchase intention on consumer attitude and comparative study of understanding the same in metro and non metro customers in India. Since, Metro and non-metro customers are different in their consumer behaviour in many ways. The conceptual framework of factors affecting brand equity is developed by examining the theoretical foundation for online purchase intention. Linear regression and z-test was used to measure the impact of these attributes on consumer attitude and difference in metro and non-metro customers respectively. The purpose of this paper is to find out the components of purchase intention towards online travel buying decision through literature and then develop a simple and precise model of online purchase intention. Further, this paper measures the impact of online purchase intention on consumer attitude and comparative study of understanding the same in metro and non metro customers in India. Since, Metro and non-metro customers are different in their consumer behaviour in many ways. The conceptual framework of factors affecting brand equity is developed by examining the theoretical foundation for online purchase intention. Linear regression and z-test was used to measure the impact of these attributes on consumer attitude and difference in metro and non-metro customers respectively.
Purchase Intention, Consumer Attitude, E-commerce, Service Quality, Reference Group, Consumer Trust
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