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Evolving from Manager to a Business Leader: Characteristics of ‘Yogic Perspectives’& ‘Vedic Philosophy’

1 Associate Professor (Strategic Management), National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai, 400087, India

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Indian civilization has survived in values and practices over the last 4000 years or so. Civilizations that weathered the forces of time were mostly led by healthy leadership practices and systems. India has thus been a very rare context that exhibited good leadership. This stems from Indian civilization with its philosophical perspectives based upon healthy leadership practices. These leadership perspectives could be deciphered as lessons for business leaders. In this article the author developed a set of themes that aspiring or extant leaders could follow to embark on a journey of salubrious leadership. The themes were drawn from ‘vedic’ and ‘yogi c’ perspectives. Eight themes and an integrated perspective on yogic leader have been presented here.
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  • Evolving from Manager to a Business Leader: Characteristics of ‘Yogic Perspectives’& ‘Vedic Philosophy’

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Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
Associate Professor (Strategic Management), National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai, 400087, India


Indian civilization has survived in values and practices over the last 4000 years or so. Civilizations that weathered the forces of time were mostly led by healthy leadership practices and systems. India has thus been a very rare context that exhibited good leadership. This stems from Indian civilization with its philosophical perspectives based upon healthy leadership practices. These leadership perspectives could be deciphered as lessons for business leaders. In this article the author developed a set of themes that aspiring or extant leaders could follow to embark on a journey of salubrious leadership. The themes were drawn from ‘vedic’ and ‘yogi c’ perspectives. Eight themes and an integrated perspective on yogic leader have been presented here.
