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Srivastava, D. K.
- Non-Surgical Closure of Pepsico Plant: A Case Study
Abstract Views :369 |
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1 School of Management & Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, IN
2 Pepsico India Holdings Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, IN
1 School of Management & Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, IN
2 Pepsico India Holdings Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, IN
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations: Economics & Social Dev., Vol 45, No 3 (2010), Pagination: 492-504Abstract
The emerging business scenario is largely driven by market forces. The businesses, due to market compulsions, have resorted to very painful and difficult options like relocation and or closure of plants. The employees have to undergo a number of hardships as a result of closure and or relocation of plants. Can one maintain a balance between business compulsions and employees' interests? The case study of Pepsico's Naroda plant is one example where a balance has been maintained between the two extremes. A number of meaningful initiatives have been taken by management to minimize the hardships of workers given VRS at this plant. The case discusses the process and dynamics of closure of the plant through VRS in about three weeks time.- Motivation & Attitude of Generation Y in India:An Exploratory Study
Abstract Views :261 |
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1 NITIE, Mumbai, IN
1 NITIE, Mumbai, IN
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations: Economics & Social Dev., Vol 53, No 1 (2017), Pagination: 102-114Abstract
There is evidence in the literature that generation Y is different from the previous generations. This generation is going to be the largest pool of workforce by 2020. The purpose of the study is to understand the Generation Y attitudes and motivation towards their work and life. Data were obtained from 115 postgraduate students through an open-ended questionnaire for capturing the mindset of Generation Y. This study is among the few which explore the attitude, expectations and preferences of Generation Y through qualitative method. A better understanding of the Generation Y' attitude, expectations and preferences will be helpful for the employers to create job offerings and work environments that are more likely to engage and retain Generation Y workforce.References
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