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Effectiveness of IEC Programme on the Nursing Students with Regard to Management of Children with ARI (Pneumonia) and Diarrhea Based on IMNCI Guidelines

1 Tutor, School of Nursing, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar New Delhi, 2Associate Professor
2 Assistant Professor, Rufaida College of Nursing, Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar

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A quantitative (experimental) research approach with "One group pre-test post-test design" (preexperimental) was used to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of IEC programme in terms of knowledge and practice of B.Sc. (Nursing) students with regard to management of children with Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) and Diarrhea based on IMNCI guidelines in a selected nursing college of Delhi with the objectives: 1. To develop IEC programme . 2. To assess the knowledge and practice before and after administration of IEC programme.3. To seek relationship between knowledge and practice after the administration of IEC programme. Sample consisted of thirty one (31) 3rd year B.Sc student nurses of Rufaida College of Nursing, New Delhi. The study was conducted at Rufaida College of Nursing and Health Centre and Maternity Home, IPP-VIII, Badarpur, New Delhi. Total enumeration sampling technique was used to select the subjects and data was collected using a predesigned, tested, valid and reliable structured knowledge questionnaire and structured observation checklist. The findings of study revealed that the mean post-test knowledge score (33.29) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (22.03) and the computed 'Z' value (15.21) for knowledge was greater than the standard 'Z' value of (1.96). The mean post-test practice score (33.58) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test practice score (22.26) and the computed 'Z' value (10.88) for practice was greater than the standard 'Z' value of (1.96) .The calculated value of coefficient of correlation (r) 0.399 is greater than the table value (0.355) at df (29) which indicates that there is significant positive relationship between post-test knowledge and post-test practice scores. The study concluded that IEC based on IMNCI guidelines was useful in enhancing the knowledge and practice of student nurses.Study recommended that research needs to be done on other aspects of IMNCI And more focus needs to be given to assess the skills, knowledge and practice of grass ischolar_main level health care workers who are actually the implementers of care.


Children, Information Education Communication (IEC), Effectiveness, Management
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  • The Times of India (UNICEF-Report, 20 Nov 2009)
  • David, Oot (January 18 2004). Saving children. Washington times.
  • UNICEF/WHO (2006)Pneumonia: The forgotten killer of children; publications
  • Jehu, A. et al (2005). Child Survival: Short Term effects of IMNCI knowledge Community.
  • WHO Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH). (2003), Operational Guidelines for Implementation of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI), MOHFW, Government of India.
  • Intercountry workshop to accelerate integration of IMCI, Expert group meeting (2005) at AIIMS;

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  • Effectiveness of IEC Programme on the Nursing Students with Regard to Management of Children with ARI (Pneumonia) and Diarrhea Based on IMNCI Guidelines

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Mahesh Gupta
Tutor, School of Nursing, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar New Delhi, 2Associate Professor
B Shaiju
Assistant Professor, Rufaida College of Nursing, Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar


A quantitative (experimental) research approach with "One group pre-test post-test design" (preexperimental) was used to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of IEC programme in terms of knowledge and practice of B.Sc. (Nursing) students with regard to management of children with Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) and Diarrhea based on IMNCI guidelines in a selected nursing college of Delhi with the objectives: 1. To develop IEC programme . 2. To assess the knowledge and practice before and after administration of IEC programme.3. To seek relationship between knowledge and practice after the administration of IEC programme. Sample consisted of thirty one (31) 3rd year B.Sc student nurses of Rufaida College of Nursing, New Delhi. The study was conducted at Rufaida College of Nursing and Health Centre and Maternity Home, IPP-VIII, Badarpur, New Delhi. Total enumeration sampling technique was used to select the subjects and data was collected using a predesigned, tested, valid and reliable structured knowledge questionnaire and structured observation checklist. The findings of study revealed that the mean post-test knowledge score (33.29) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (22.03) and the computed 'Z' value (15.21) for knowledge was greater than the standard 'Z' value of (1.96). The mean post-test practice score (33.58) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test practice score (22.26) and the computed 'Z' value (10.88) for practice was greater than the standard 'Z' value of (1.96) .The calculated value of coefficient of correlation (r) 0.399 is greater than the table value (0.355) at df (29) which indicates that there is significant positive relationship between post-test knowledge and post-test practice scores. The study concluded that IEC based on IMNCI guidelines was useful in enhancing the knowledge and practice of student nurses.Study recommended that research needs to be done on other aspects of IMNCI And more focus needs to be given to assess the skills, knowledge and practice of grass ischolar_main level health care workers who are actually the implementers of care.


Children, Information Education Communication (IEC), Effectiveness, Management
