Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Contraceptive Methods in Terms of Knowledge of Women: a Community Based Interventional Study from Rural Haryana
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Aim: To assess and compare the knowledge regarding contraceptive methods among women before and after the Structured teaching programme (STP) in experimental and control group.
Methods: The present interventional study using pre-test post-test strategy was carried out in randomly selected two villages of district Ambala during December 2011. The sample comprised of 80 women selected through purposive sampling. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for data collection. Knowledge was reassessed after imparting education to study subjects. Mean, standard deviations were calculated. T test was applied.
Results: The mean age of the women was 32.05 ± 3.21 years. 46% of the women were illiterate. Mean knowledge scores among women regarding contraceptive methods before and after the Structured teaching programme were 16.9 and 18.0 in the control group. Mean post test knowledge score of women was found to be significantly higher than the mean pre- test knowledge score of women in experimental group. (p<0.05)
Conclusion: The study concluded that the structured teaching programme was effective in terms of enhancing knowledge of women regarding contraceptive methods. The similar method can be adopted to enhance the knowledge as well as to improve the contraceptive practices under such communities.
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