A Study to Compare the Effect of Inverse Ratio Breathing and Diaphragmatic Breathing on Pulmonary Functions in Obese Female–An Interventional Study
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INTRODUCTION: Obesity has becomes a major public health concern in many parts of the world. Obese individual have alteration in respiratory mechanics, decreased chest wall and lung compliance, decreased respiratory muscle strength and endurance, decreased pulmonary gaseous exchange and limitation in exercise capacity. In Inverse ratio breathing, the ratio of inspiration to expiration becomes 2:1, While diaphragmatic breathing involves slow and rhythmic breathing.
AIM OF THE STUDY: To compare the effect of inverse ratio breathing and diaphragmatic breathing on pulmonary functions in obese female.
METHOD: This study was carried out in and around Rajkot city. Subjects who fulfil exclusion and inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling and were assigned to group A and group B by simple random sampling .They were explained about the study, its usefulness and written consent were taken.30 subjects were divide into two Groups :Group A: 15 subjects were given diaphragmatic breathing, Group B: 15 subjects were given inverse ratio breathing.
DATA ANALYSIS: Data were analysed using SPSS 20 software by applying Paired and Unpaired t-test.
RESULT: Pre-treatment and post-treatment FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio were analysed, it was statistically significant (P value < 0.05) in both the group but when comparison was done between two groups, it was statistically non-significant (P value > 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Inverse ratio breathing and Diaphragmatic breathing both were effective in improving pulmonary functions in Obese female after performing breathing techniques for consecutive 3 days (once a day). But there was no significant difference between the two Groups in improving pulmonary function in obese female.
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