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The effect of Cawthorne and Cooksey Exercises in Patients, affecting Balance Following Vestibular Problem in Elderly

1 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences Bundelkhand University Jhansi, India
2 TLM Community Hospital Nandnagri Delhi-93, India

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Background: Vestibular rehabilitation is an increasing popular treatment options for patients with persistent dizziness or vertigo. Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises in form of habituation exercises are a simple, inexpensive treatment that may be suitable for home based exercise program.

Objective: To determine the benefit of Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises with standard medical care given in case of chronic vertigo as vestibular suppressant, using a brief intervention for vertigo patients in a home based exercises program given by a trained professional.

Method: Elderly people consulting their general practitioner with dizziness or vertigo were randomly assigned to treatment or control group. Patients in both the group received the same evaluation at baseline, midsession and four week latter comprising the assessment of balance and vertigo symptoms. At base line and mid-term follow up all the patients were stimulated with habituation as Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises comprising of Eye, Head Trunk exercises designed to promote vestibular compensation and enhance skill and confidence in balance and reducing the symptoms of vertigo. While the control group as well the study group were allowed to take regular medication prescribed by their physician for their presenting symptoms.

Result: Result were calculated for the subjects who completed the study excluding patients which did not complete the study (n=10) .The treatment group (n=15) with mean age and standard deviation was 57.13 + 6.33 where as the control group (n=15) with mean age and standard deviation 56.2 + 4.47. Result calculated using paired t test demonstrated significant result in both the group but when comparison was done it was more significant ( P0.05). Where as at final result of comparison of means between different session for SRT (Sharpened Romberg test for standing)and VSS (vertigo symptom scale) showed group A showed more significance (P

Conclusion: Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises are simple, inexpensive and beneficial form of habituation exercise used to improve balance and vertigo symptoms in a home based treatment program.


Vertigo, Balance, Cawthorne And Cooksey Exercises, Vertigo Symptom Scale, Sharpened Romberg Test, Vestibular Rehabilitation
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  • The effect of Cawthorne and Cooksey Exercises in Patients, affecting Balance Following Vestibular Problem in Elderly

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Neeraj Ruhela
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences Bundelkhand University Jhansi, India
Pankaj Gupta
TLM Community Hospital Nandnagri Delhi-93, India


Background: Vestibular rehabilitation is an increasing popular treatment options for patients with persistent dizziness or vertigo. Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises in form of habituation exercises are a simple, inexpensive treatment that may be suitable for home based exercise program.

Objective: To determine the benefit of Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises with standard medical care given in case of chronic vertigo as vestibular suppressant, using a brief intervention for vertigo patients in a home based exercises program given by a trained professional.

Method: Elderly people consulting their general practitioner with dizziness or vertigo were randomly assigned to treatment or control group. Patients in both the group received the same evaluation at baseline, midsession and four week latter comprising the assessment of balance and vertigo symptoms. At base line and mid-term follow up all the patients were stimulated with habituation as Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises comprising of Eye, Head Trunk exercises designed to promote vestibular compensation and enhance skill and confidence in balance and reducing the symptoms of vertigo. While the control group as well the study group were allowed to take regular medication prescribed by their physician for their presenting symptoms.

Result: Result were calculated for the subjects who completed the study excluding patients which did not complete the study (n=10) .The treatment group (n=15) with mean age and standard deviation was 57.13 + 6.33 where as the control group (n=15) with mean age and standard deviation 56.2 + 4.47. Result calculated using paired t test demonstrated significant result in both the group but when comparison was done it was more significant ( P0.05). Where as at final result of comparison of means between different session for SRT (Sharpened Romberg test for standing)and VSS (vertigo symptom scale) showed group A showed more significance (P

Conclusion: Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises are simple, inexpensive and beneficial form of habituation exercise used to improve balance and vertigo symptoms in a home based treatment program.


Vertigo, Balance, Cawthorne And Cooksey Exercises, Vertigo Symptom Scale, Sharpened Romberg Test, Vestibular Rehabilitation
