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Comparison of Effect of Two Group of Proprioceptive Exercises in Osteoarthritis Patients on Knee Muscle Strengh and Functional Activity

1 Amity Institute of Physiotherapy, Amity University, Noida, UP
2 Amity Institute of Physiotherapy, Amity University, Noida, UP, India

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Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease is a group of mechanical abnormalities involving degradation of joints, including articular cartilage and subchondral bone. OA commonly affects the hands, feet, spine, and the large weight bearing joints, such as the hips and knees. Research have demonstrated that knee proprioception is effected in knee OA patients. Functional consequences of impaired proprioception may include lower gait velocity, shorter stride length, and slower stair walking time. Improved knee function is possible with changes in proprioception.

Methodology: 30 subjects 15 in one group between the age group of 30 -60 yrs both male and female who met the inclusion criteria were given two sets of balance and kinesthesia exercises . The exercises were done 3 days a week for total of 6 weeks.

Results: The quadriceps and hamstrings strength mean and the barthel's score mean increased for both group of exercises , the first group of exercises improved the quadriceps and hamstrings strength mean increased to 3.53 and 3.93 respectively ,the barthel's score mean increased from 72.5 to 78 post exercise regime. Given the second group of exercises, the quadriceps and hamstrings strength mean increased to 4.4and 4.6 respectively and the barthel's score mean increased from 68.46 to 89 post exercise regime.

Conclusion: For the effective management and improvement in the activity level of knee arthritic patients, the first group of exercises is highly beneficial as compared to the second group. The exercises from the first group can be identified as a method of enhancing traditional means of conservative intervention treating osteoarthritis.


Propioceptive Exercises , Knee Muscle Strength , Osteoarthritis
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  • Comparison of Effect of Two Group of Proprioceptive Exercises in Osteoarthritis Patients on Knee Muscle Strengh and Functional Activity

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Pooja Sharma
Amity Institute of Physiotherapy, Amity University, Noida, UP
Aparna Sarkar
Amity Institute of Physiotherapy, Amity University, Noida, UP, India
Neha Sharma
Amity Institute of Physiotherapy, Amity University, Noida, UP, India


Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease is a group of mechanical abnormalities involving degradation of joints, including articular cartilage and subchondral bone. OA commonly affects the hands, feet, spine, and the large weight bearing joints, such as the hips and knees. Research have demonstrated that knee proprioception is effected in knee OA patients. Functional consequences of impaired proprioception may include lower gait velocity, shorter stride length, and slower stair walking time. Improved knee function is possible with changes in proprioception.

Methodology: 30 subjects 15 in one group between the age group of 30 -60 yrs both male and female who met the inclusion criteria were given two sets of balance and kinesthesia exercises . The exercises were done 3 days a week for total of 6 weeks.

Results: The quadriceps and hamstrings strength mean and the barthel's score mean increased for both group of exercises , the first group of exercises improved the quadriceps and hamstrings strength mean increased to 3.53 and 3.93 respectively ,the barthel's score mean increased from 72.5 to 78 post exercise regime. Given the second group of exercises, the quadriceps and hamstrings strength mean increased to 4.4and 4.6 respectively and the barthel's score mean increased from 68.46 to 89 post exercise regime.

Conclusion: For the effective management and improvement in the activity level of knee arthritic patients, the first group of exercises is highly beneficial as compared to the second group. The exercises from the first group can be identified as a method of enhancing traditional means of conservative intervention treating osteoarthritis.


Propioceptive Exercises , Knee Muscle Strength , Osteoarthritis
