Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction among University Students of Eastern Uttar Pradesh of India:A Demographical Perspective
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Self-esteem reflects an individual's perception and evaluation of himself or herself, whereas, life satisfaction involves the individual's evaluation of one's life as a whole including different areas of life such as school, family and friends as well as oneself (Civitci & Civitci, 2009). The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between self esteem and satisfaction with life in current college students. A total of 200 college students (100 Male & 100 Female) from Veer Bahadur Singh University Jaunpur (U.P.) participated. Rosenberg self-esteem scale (1965) and satisfactions with life scale (Diener et al., 1985) were administered. Self-esteem and satisfaction with life was found significantly correlated in male, female, urban and general category participants. The effect of self-esteem on satisfaction with life was found significant
Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction and University Students.
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