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Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction among University Students of Eastern Uttar Pradesh of India:A Demographical Perspective

1 Clinical Psychologist District Hospital Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 Department of Psychology, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
3 Department of Psychology, DDU Gorakhpur, University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
4 Department of Psychology, University of Providence United States, United States

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Self-esteem reflects an individual's perception and evaluation of himself or herself, whereas, life satisfaction involves the individual's evaluation of one's life as a whole including different areas of life such as school, family and friends as well as oneself (Civitci & Civitci, 2009). The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between self esteem and satisfaction with life in current college students. A total of 200 college students (100 Male & 100 Female) from Veer Bahadur Singh University Jaunpur (U.P.) participated. Rosenberg self-esteem scale (1965) and satisfactions with life scale (Diener et al., 1985) were administered. Self-esteem and satisfaction with life was found significantly correlated in male, female, urban and general category participants. The effect of self-esteem on satisfaction with life was found significant


Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction and University Students.
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  • Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction among University Students of Eastern Uttar Pradesh of India:A Demographical Perspective

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Ashok Kumar Patel
Clinical Psychologist District Hospital Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Shraddhesh Kumar Tiwari
Department of Psychology, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Suman Singh
Department of Psychology, DDU Gorakhpur, University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Sylvia Lindinger-Sternart
Department of Psychology, University of Providence United States, United States


Self-esteem reflects an individual's perception and evaluation of himself or herself, whereas, life satisfaction involves the individual's evaluation of one's life as a whole including different areas of life such as school, family and friends as well as oneself (Civitci & Civitci, 2009). The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between self esteem and satisfaction with life in current college students. A total of 200 college students (100 Male & 100 Female) from Veer Bahadur Singh University Jaunpur (U.P.) participated. Rosenberg self-esteem scale (1965) and satisfactions with life scale (Diener et al., 1985) were administered. Self-esteem and satisfaction with life was found significantly correlated in male, female, urban and general category participants. The effect of self-esteem on satisfaction with life was found significant


Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction and University Students.
