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Mattering and Self-Compassion as Mediators of the Relationship between Attachment Style and Marital Satisfaction among Young Spouses in Kerala:A Mixed Method Study

1 Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology Major in Clinical Counseling MSMI, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

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This explanatory sequential mixed method study examined how self-compassion and mattering mediated the relationship between attachment style and marital satisfaction in a sample of 397 married spouses between the ages of 20 to 40 in Kerala. The instruments used to measure four variables of this cross sectional quantitative study were ECR-R, Self-Compassion short form, Mattering 4-Items and ENRICH Marital Satisfaction scale. Results indicated that mattering mediated the relationship between attachment styles and marital sati sfaction among young spouses in Kerala. But self-compassion does not mediate the relationship between attachment style and marital satisfaction among young spouses in Kerala. The results suggest that mattering can enhance the marital satisfaction of anxious and avoidant attached spouses. In the multiple case study, conducted in-depth interviews often spouses who were selected based on the high scores on marital satisfaction. The results explained how mattering was an important experience in improving marital satisfaction with their anxious and avoidant attachment style. Themes generated from this study were; longing for presence, caring, partner support, communication, being responsible and respect. Moreover, this study suggests that mattering might provide a useful lens through which spouses are able to enhance their marital satisfaction.


Attachment Styles, Mattering, Self-Compassion, Marital Satisfaction.
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  • Mattering and Self-Compassion as Mediators of the Relationship between Attachment Style and Marital Satisfaction among Young Spouses in Kerala:A Mixed Method Study

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Praseena Sebastian
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology Major in Clinical Counseling MSMI, Kozhikode, Kerala, India


This explanatory sequential mixed method study examined how self-compassion and mattering mediated the relationship between attachment style and marital satisfaction in a sample of 397 married spouses between the ages of 20 to 40 in Kerala. The instruments used to measure four variables of this cross sectional quantitative study were ECR-R, Self-Compassion short form, Mattering 4-Items and ENRICH Marital Satisfaction scale. Results indicated that mattering mediated the relationship between attachment styles and marital sati sfaction among young spouses in Kerala. But self-compassion does not mediate the relationship between attachment style and marital satisfaction among young spouses in Kerala. The results suggest that mattering can enhance the marital satisfaction of anxious and avoidant attached spouses. In the multiple case study, conducted in-depth interviews often spouses who were selected based on the high scores on marital satisfaction. The results explained how mattering was an important experience in improving marital satisfaction with their anxious and avoidant attachment style. Themes generated from this study were; longing for presence, caring, partner support, communication, being responsible and respect. Moreover, this study suggests that mattering might provide a useful lens through which spouses are able to enhance their marital satisfaction.


Attachment Styles, Mattering, Self-Compassion, Marital Satisfaction.
