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Segmentation and Classification of Skin Lesions from Dermoscopic Images

1 Department of Information Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India
2 Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data science, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India
3 Department of Information Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Skin melanoma cancer, particularly among non-Hispanic white women and men, has been one of the highest risks of spreading disease among all cancers. It should be treated earlier for effective treatment. Due to high costs of screening each patient by dermatologists, it is important to establish an automated method to determine the risk of melanoma for a patient by using image scan of their skin lesions that can provide accurate diagnosis. The major challenge is segmenting the skin lesion from the digital scan image. For segmenting the lesion, a novel algorithm based on skin texture is proposed in which a set of representative texture distributions is analysed from a non-illuminated image. The ridge in the skin image is labeled as either normal segment or lesion, based on the presence of sample texture distributions by calculating the texture distinctiveness metrics. In comparison with other bench-mark models the suggested algorithm has greater precision in segmentation about 95% accuracy.
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Abstract Views: 451

  • Segmentation and Classification of Skin Lesions from Dermoscopic Images

Abstract Views: 451  | 


Lakshmi Harika Palivela
Department of Information Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India
Joshan Athanesious J
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data science, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India
V Deepika
Department of Information Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
M Vignesh
Department of Information Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


Skin melanoma cancer, particularly among non-Hispanic white women and men, has been one of the highest risks of spreading disease among all cancers. It should be treated earlier for effective treatment. Due to high costs of screening each patient by dermatologists, it is important to establish an automated method to determine the risk of melanoma for a patient by using image scan of their skin lesions that can provide accurate diagnosis. The major challenge is segmenting the skin lesion from the digital scan image. For segmenting the lesion, a novel algorithm based on skin texture is proposed in which a set of representative texture distributions is analysed from a non-illuminated image. The ridge in the skin image is labeled as either normal segment or lesion, based on the presence of sample texture distributions by calculating the texture distinctiveness metrics. In comparison with other bench-mark models the suggested algorithm has greater precision in segmentation about 95% accuracy.