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Hybrid DC-DC Converter with Artificial Intelligence based MPPT Algorithm for FC-EV

1 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu 515002, Andhra Pradesh, India., India
2 Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati 517 002, Andhra Pradesh, India., India

This manuscript covers the use of a Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) based on a fuel cell in an electric vehicle with a hybrid DC-DC converter with artificial intelligence-based Maximum Power Point (MPP) Tracking. The Boost converter and Cuk converter input stages are integrated in this study to produce a high step-up hybrid boost converter. Only one switch is required in the proposed topology, which decreases voltage stress across the diodes. The converter's overall efficiency increased because the voltage across the switch, diode, and capacitor voltage is lessthan the output voltage. A new Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) based MPPTapproach is developed for fuel cellsbased electric vehicles to extract maximum power at ambient temperatures. Computer software programme MATLAB/SIMULINK is used to evaluate the Fuel Cell (FC) fed electric vehicle system.


Artificial Intelligence, DC-DC Converters,Electric Vehicle, Fuel Cell, MPPT.
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  • Hybrid DC-DC Converter with Artificial Intelligence based MPPT Algorithm for FC-EV

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B Raja Sekhar Reddy
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu 515002, Andhra Pradesh, India., India
V C Veera Reddy
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati 517 002, Andhra Pradesh, India., India
M Vijaya Kumar
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu 515002, Andhra Pradesh, India., India


This manuscript covers the use of a Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) based on a fuel cell in an electric vehicle with a hybrid DC-DC converter with artificial intelligence-based Maximum Power Point (MPP) Tracking. The Boost converter and Cuk converter input stages are integrated in this study to produce a high step-up hybrid boost converter. Only one switch is required in the proposed topology, which decreases voltage stress across the diodes. The converter's overall efficiency increased because the voltage across the switch, diode, and capacitor voltage is lessthan the output voltage. A new Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) based MPPTapproach is developed for fuel cellsbased electric vehicles to extract maximum power at ambient temperatures. Computer software programme MATLAB/SIMULINK is used to evaluate the Fuel Cell (FC) fed electric vehicle system.


Artificial Intelligence, DC-DC Converters,Electric Vehicle, Fuel Cell, MPPT.
