Stochastic Stability Analysis for Networked Markov Jump System
In the paper, we describe the development and implementation of reliable H∞filters for a class of Networked Markov Jump Systems (NMJS) with random sensor failures that are triggered by events. The plant's nonlinear dynamic is approximated with a NMJS. Failures of sensors are described using stochastic variables. The Event-Triggered Mechanism (ETM) is introduced to NCS, which offers some positive points over other schemes. Using the event-triggered mechanism, data of sensors from the plant will be only transmitted if it contradicts the specified condition. By considering the effects of an ETM and the sensor faults, the event-based filter is developed for NMJS. The design parameters of the filter as well as sufficient conditions for its existence are given accurately based on Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI).
ETM, LMI, Networked Systems, NMJS, Stochastic Filters.
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