Optimisation of Clove Basil and Sweet Basil Seeds Mucilages Extraction for Utilisation as Functional Ingredients
The hydrothermal extraction of clove basil and sweet basil seeds mucilages were optimised using response surface methodology for maximum yield, water absorption, swelling capacities, minimum water solubility and syneresis. The optimum conditions for extraction of clove basil seeds mucilage were 67.34°C, 2.51 h and water-to-seed ratio of 80:1 while of sweet basil seeds mucilage were 57.01°C, 1.31 h and water-to-seed ratio of 70.66:1, which provided yield of 32.53, 26.30% respectively with water absorption capacity of 383.42, 474.34 g/g, water solubility capacity of 0.11, 0.70%, swelling capacity of 16.29, 13.23 mL/mL and syneresis of 0.50, 0.19% respectively. The experimental values of both mucilages extracted under optimum conditions were very close to predicted values indicating models were adequate. These extracted basil seed mucilages can be utilized as fat replacers, gelling agents, texture improvers, stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickening agents, prebiotics, laxatives, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic agents to enhance the functionalities of incorporated foods.
Functional parameters, Hydrocolloid, Ocimum seeds, Response surface methodology.
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