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Hybrid WCMFO Algorithm for Microhardness Improvement in Roller Burnishing of Brass (C3604)

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and Technology, ECR, Mamallapuram, Chennai 603 104, Tamilnadu, India
2 Department of Mathematics, University College of Engineering Kancheepuram, Kanchipuram 631 552, Tamilnadu, India

Roller burnishing is a surface improvement technique that creates residual compressive stress in the workpiece surface layers. Compressive surface stress generation may increase surface hardness, which in turn enhances fatigue and corrosion resistance and overall surface quality. In order to optimize the process parameters in roller burnishing of brass, the present work unveils an application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and hybrid Water Cycle Moth Flame Algorithm (WCMFO) technique. Three input process parameters viz. burnishing speed, depth of penetration and feed rate have been investigated and modelled for Microhardness (HV) utilizing RSM based central composite design. In present experimentation, quadratic model has been suggested for surface hardness. Following validation of the model’s validity, the model was coupled with a new metaheuristic based hybrid WCMFO algorithm to optimize the burnishing parameters for maximum Microhardness. So as to prove the enhancement, the optimal burnishing parameters were tested. A substantial relationship was observed between the predicted micro hardness and the experimental values.


Central composite design, Corrosion resistance, Residual compressive stress, RSM, Surface hardness
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Abstract Views: 641

  • Hybrid WCMFO Algorithm for Microhardness Improvement in Roller Burnishing of Brass (C3604)

Abstract Views: 641  | 


A Tamilarasan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and Technology, ECR, Mamallapuram, Chennai 603 104, Tamilnadu, India
A Renugambal
Department of Mathematics, University College of Engineering Kancheepuram, Kanchipuram 631 552, Tamilnadu, India


Roller burnishing is a surface improvement technique that creates residual compressive stress in the workpiece surface layers. Compressive surface stress generation may increase surface hardness, which in turn enhances fatigue and corrosion resistance and overall surface quality. In order to optimize the process parameters in roller burnishing of brass, the present work unveils an application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and hybrid Water Cycle Moth Flame Algorithm (WCMFO) technique. Three input process parameters viz. burnishing speed, depth of penetration and feed rate have been investigated and modelled for Microhardness (HV) utilizing RSM based central composite design. In present experimentation, quadratic model has been suggested for surface hardness. Following validation of the model’s validity, the model was coupled with a new metaheuristic based hybrid WCMFO algorithm to optimize the burnishing parameters for maximum Microhardness. So as to prove the enhancement, the optimal burnishing parameters were tested. A substantial relationship was observed between the predicted micro hardness and the experimental values.


Central composite design, Corrosion resistance, Residual compressive stress, RSM, Surface hardness