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Dutta, Arijit
- Analytical, Experimental and Numerical Study on formation of Laminar Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate Using Air as Working Fluid
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Kalyani Government College, Kalyani-741235, IN
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government College, Kalyani-741235, IN
Reason-A Technical Journal (Formerly Reason-A Technical Magazine), Vol 10 (2011), Pagination: 37-40Abstract
The work presents in this paper is related to comparison of laminar boundary layer thickness of flow of air over a horizontal flat plate at different points among Analytical, Experimental and Numerical approaches.Keywords
Reynolds Number, Wind Tunnel, Staggered Grid, Marker and Cell Algorithm, Blasius Equation, Shooting Technique.- Overview on Serpentine Robot : a Detailed Study
1 Mechanical Engineering Department Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani- 741 235, IN
Reason-A Technical Journal (Formerly Reason-A Technical Magazine), Vol 9 (2010), Pagination: 38-43Abstract
To design an outdoor mobile Robot is more challenging work than the indoor mobile Robot because it has to have capability of operation at all weather conditions and terrains. When it is a Serpentine Robot, it is more difficult to control its motion and path. Snake like robots are being made since 1972, but nowadays many researchers are trying to achieve a snake like robot without limb. Though various works were done and various technologies were invented, but there are many opportunities left.Serpentine robot may be limbless or with limb. Biological snakes are pervasive across the world, for their various locomotion mode and physiology they are able to locomot in wide variety of terrains and environment. It will be excellent if one is able to capture this type of locomotion in a mechanical system. The aim of this paper is to summarize the work that has already been done in this field and emphasize on future work. This paper will help one understand the mechanism of serpentine locomotion and various snake gaits.
Serpentine Robots (SR), Rectilinear Motion, Gaits.- Effect of the Variation of Inter-Particle Separation Distance and Separation Time on Escape Velocity of Sediment Particles of a River Bank under the Action of Cohesive and Viscous Forces
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani - 741235, West Bengal, IN
2 School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700032, IN
Indian Science Cruiser, Vol 31, No 4 (2017), Pagination: 36-49Abstract
Mechanism of erosion along a riverbank is full of complexity in nature. Among many forces on the sediment particles along a riverbank, cohesive and viscous forces are predominant. A family of similar particles surrounds every particle and they are bound together under the action of cohesive and viscous forces. In this paper, sediment particles are arranged according to the truncated pyramid model and a general equation for the escape velocity of a particle has been suggested. It is observed that this escape velocity is very much dependent on the inter-particle separation distance for a given liquid bridge volume between a pair of adjacent particles. Determination of the escape velocity is an approach to quantification of volumetric erosion rate. In this paper, a comparison has been made between the values of the escape velocity obtained from a previous study considering only cohesive force and the values of the escape velocity obtained considering both cohesive and viscous forces for a particular liquid bridge volume. All the other parameters remain the same for both the cases. It has been shown that the values of the escape velocity obtained in the present study considering both cohesive and viscous forces increase a considerable amount than the values obtained in the previous study considering cohesive force only for the same input parameters.Keywords
Riverbank Erosion, Sediment Particle, Cohesive Force, Viscous Force, Separation Distance, Separation Time, Escape Velocity.References
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- Influence of Viscosity on Sediment Transport along a River Bank
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani - 741235, West Bengal, IN
2 School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700032, IN
Indian Science Cruiser, Vol 27, No 4 (2013), Pagination: 13-17Abstract
A particle on a riverbank is subjected to a number of forces. Among them, cohesive and viscous forces are predominant, hi this present work, an analytical model called the Truncated Pyramid Model has been used to quantify the effect of the viscous force on the particles on a riverbank and the dynamic influence of water entrapped between the particles. For this, the existing model has been suitably modified to incorporate the viscous effect. The whole mechanism involves a good number of variables namely inter-particle distance, separation speed, liquid bridge volume, radius of the sphere particle and radius of the wetted area. In this work, cohesive and viscous force components have been resolved along horizontal and vertical directions and two separate differential equations have been established for horizontal and vertical components of separation speed that is varying with time. Variation of separation speed with separation distance for a particular liquid bridge volume at different times has been evaluated thereafter.
Inter Particle Separation Distance, Separation Speed, Liquid Bridge Volume, Truncated Pyramid Model.- Effect of Cohesive and Seepage Force on A Bank Sediment Particle
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani-741235, West Bengal, IN
2 School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Pin-700032., West Bengal, IN
Indian Science Cruiser, Vol 34, No 1 (2020), Pagination: 21-26Abstract
The phenomenon of erosion of a riverbank is extremely complicated and various forces act on bank sediments. Cohesive force between these grains and the force due to seepage of water play an important role among those forces. The present work uses the ‘‘Truncated Pyramid Model (TPM)’’ for the arrangement of grains and proposes generalized equations for calculating escape velocity under cohesion and seepage. The effect of seepage force along with the cohesive force has been studied for different degrees of exposure (fully exposed, half exposed and fully submerged) and compared with the previous study where only the force of cohesion was taken into account. The change in escape velocity due to seepage force for different degrees of exposure has been determined in this paper for three different grain sizes (300 µm, 400 µm and 500 µm of radius) along with different inter-particle distances.Keywords
Sediments, Riverbank Erosion, Truncated Pyramid Model, Cohesive Force, Seepage Force, Escape Velocity.References
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- Two Dimensional Grid Transformation by Algebraic Method
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani- 741235, IN
Reason-A Technical Journal (Formerly Reason-A Technical Magazine), Vol 18 (2019), Pagination: 45-49Abstract
Grid transformation in systematic form is used to smooth the meshing process. Through proper steps an orthogonal grid system of the unit square is applied for simulation. The basic grid conversion method suggests mainly constructing explicitly coordinate changes with the help of trans!nite interpolation. In this regard, blending functions are quite important. These apply matching of the grid arrangements at the boundaries and for different interior surfaces of a particular domain. The aim of this present work is to explain speci!c techniques of algebraic grid transformation through trans!nite algorithm in 2 dimensional spaces. Few irregular but structured domains are converted into regular structured domains through trans!nite algorithm to apply them in different !elds.Keywords
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