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Pal, Rashmi Saxena
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM):A Detailed Review
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1 Pharmacy Deptartment, PSIT, Kanpur, IN
2 Research Scholar, Pharmacy Deptartment, PSIT, Kanpur, IN
1 Pharmacy Deptartment, PSIT, Kanpur, IN
2 Research Scholar, Pharmacy Deptartment, PSIT, Kanpur, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 12, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 859-868Abstract
Background: India, because of its lavish cultural heritage is rich in its traditional knowledge of treatment of ailments in various forms for the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness. Objective: India having vast ethnic variability, has different disease prevalence patterns. Therefore an attempt has been made to review the practice of different systems of medicines or CAM. Material and Methods: All other forms of treatments (regarded as complementary or alternative medicine) such as homeopathy, herbal therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, magnet, massage, yoga, naturopathy, mud, aroma, colour and gem therapy have been reviewed in detail for its literature available from the various sources. Result: CAM in the form of therapies can also be organized into different categories, which provides safer solution to various complications in the utmost gentle manner. Conclusion: The future prospects of CAM are very promising in India and the need is to study out and implement these systems of medicine in a systemic and planned way.Keywords
Complementary, Alternative, Therapy, Medicine.References
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- Diabmag:A Better, Safe and Compatible Sugar Alternate
Abstract Views :197 |
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1 Pharmacy Dept., PSIT, Kanpur, IN
1 Pharmacy Dept., PSIT, Kanpur, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 12, No 3 (2019), Pagination: 1285-1288Abstract
AIM: To evaluate the features of plant based Diabmag sugar alternate. OBJECTIVE: To analyze Diabmag, herbal based sweetener on various parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS:120 subjects were randomly selected, at a health camp held at a renowned park at Kanpur. A questionnaire was asked to be completed by the participants that included questions about various aspects of Diabmag formulation. RESULTS: Taste, intensity, practicality and after taste were analyzed on the basis of results of questionnaire. CONCLUSION: Diabmag is a safe, efficient and compatible sugar alternate.Keywords
Diabmag, Questionnaire, Sugar, Safe, Alternate.References
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- Alcoholic Extract of Poly Herbal Powder Mixture for Anti-Obesity effect on Wistar Rats
Abstract Views :281 |
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1 NH-2, Bhauti, Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur (U.P) 209305, IN
1 NH-2, Bhauti, Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur (U.P) 209305, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 12, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 1857-1864Abstract
Background: According to WHO (World Health Organization), more than 50 million pre-school children and approximately 2 billion adults are overweighed and more than half a billion are obese. Obesity is a matter of concern for population worldwide. For the treatment of obesity, the use of Ayurveda, as well as traditional forms of medication, has turned widely popular amongst the Indians. In fact, the world population is adopting many traditional medications, herbs, and formulations as a part of the lifestyle to cure obesity. Natural sources have always proved to bring long-term results as well as considered to be efficacious and safe as compared to the trending weight-loss product market. Objective: The objective of the paper is to evaluate and proclaim the effectiveness of extract of powdered poly herbs prepared in the laboratory from sources such as Ajowan fruit, Cinnamon bark, Leaves of pomegranate, Garlic buds and dried fruits of black pepper which could be potential anti-obesity source. Methods: The experiment was performed on Wistar male rats four weeks old weighing approx. 200-250g. They were administered the prepared herbal extract for evaluating the anti-obesity action. Throughout the experiment, the rats were divided into six groups with 6 rats in each group. Group I was considered as Normal Control Group hence normal pellet diet was given and no drug was administered to the rats of this group. Obesity was induced through HFD (high-fat diet) in standard and treated groups (Group II to VI). Group II was not given any medication to reduce obesity whereas a standard dose of Orlistat 5 mg/kg b. wt and was administered in Group III. Groups IV, V, VI were administered with Alcoholic Extracts containing different concentrations of Poly Herbal Powder and the anti-obesity action was recorded. The food intake, body weight, serum lipid profiles like, total TG, total serum cholesterol (TC), High-density lipoprotein (HDL), Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), Very Low-density lipoprotein VLDL, Blood glucose. Results: The average results of all groups were noted, plotted and analyzed where the results pointed out the anti-obesity activity in all groups. The standard group reported anti-obesity action whereas the treated groups with the maximum concentration was reported to be comparatively goodin anti-obesity action as compared to the standard group. Conclusions: The results concluded that the formulated herbal extract from powdered sources of dried herbs proved to be effective in the treatment of obesity. Multiple parameters were evaluated which directly pointed out that the extract is effective in relieving from the problem of obesity. The most effective treatment of the three concentrations of the prepared herbal extract was found to be Group VI HFD + Prepared Extract 200 mg/kg b. wt.Keywords
Obesity, Polyherbal Extract, High-Fat Diet (HFD), High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), Herbal Extract, Serum Total Cholesterol (TC).References
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- Pharmacognostic Evaluation and Standardization of the leaves of Punica granatum
Abstract Views :216 |
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1 Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology (PSIT), Kanpur, 209305, IN
1 Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology (PSIT), Kanpur, 209305, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 12, No 6 (2019), Pagination: 2832-2837Abstract
Background: As the allopathic medication system is being widely followed but the reported side effects have posed an important cause of concern hence researches are being conducted on the use of herbal medications which have given us fruitful results and complications are hardly reported. In the complete system of the medicinal loop, herbs have prominent and respective place Punica granatum leaves reveals punica granatumas a valuable medicinal plant with numerous medicinal properties. Objective: The objective of the present study is to evaluate the physicochemical and phytochemical activities of Punica granatum leaves so that its beneficial effect could be used in the treatment of diabetes. Method: The leaf powder was extracted using solvent namely ethanol, standardization is done using standard methods. The macroscopic and microscopic characters of leaves were performed in the laboratory of PSIT. Result and Conclusion: The study could be useful in diagnosis for the identification and preparation of a monograph of the plant. The Pharmacognostic evaluation of the plant was performed and diverse parameters were taken into consideration. Hence a detailed report is presented on the powder of dried leaves of Punica granatum. The macroscopical studies indicated presence of simple leaf length 2-4 cm and opposite arrangement. Physicochemical Parameters such as loss on drying and pH observed as 17.04% and 4 respectively. Chemical constituent present in it such as alkaloids, carbohydrate, reducing sugar, flavonoids and phenols. Considering all these facts we can say that ethanolic extract of Punica granatum leaves contains more constituents it can be considered beneficial for further investigation. A typical research and developmental work needs to be carried out for its better therapeutic and commercial utilization.Keywords
Punica granatum, Diabetes, Standardization, Physicochemical, Phytochemical.References
- Wal P, Wal A, Gupta S, Sharma G, Rai AK. Pharmacovigilance of herbal products in India. Journal of Young Pharmacists 2014, 3: 256-258.
- Mehta D, Mehta M. Punica grantum L. (Punicaceae): lifeline for modern pharmaceutical research. Journal of Ethanopharmacology 2012, 3: 185-199.
- Bapodara M, Nagani K, Sumitra Chanda. Pharmacognostic and Physicochemical study of Punica granatum L. leaf Pharmacognosy Journal. 2011, 1: 29-32.
- Bhowmik D, Gopinath H, Kumar P B, Duraivel S. Medicinal Uses of Punica granatum and Its Health Benefits. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry. 2013, 28 -35.
- Rahimia H.R, Arastoob M and Ostada S.N. A Comprehensive Review of Punica granatum (Pomegranate) Properties in Toxicological, Pharmacological, Cellular and Molecular Biology Researches. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2012), 11 (2): 385-400.
- Saroj J.K, Ravindrabau Y, Parmar ld. study of morphological variability among fifty accessions of pomegranate (punica granatum l.). Global general of bio science and biotechnology2017, 6 (4): 617-622
- Russo G., Pacucci C, Pacifico A, Matarrese A.M.S. The Pomegranate, Punica granatum L.: sustainability and improvement of biodiversity in Apulia, 2012 II International Symposium on the Pomegranate 91-93. Cited on Nov 22 2018.
- Hague N., Sofi G., Ali W, Rashid M, Itrat M. A comprehensive review of phytochemical and pharmacological profile of Anar (Punica granatum Linn): A heaven’s fruit. Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 2015, 1(1): 22-26.
- Khandelwal KR. Practical Pharmacognosy. Nirali Publication, India. 2008, 20-25
- Pal R. S, Pal Y, Wal P and Wal A. Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Roots of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn (Cucurbitaceae). The Open Plant Science Journal, 2018; 11(3).
- Kumari, Dora J, Kumar A and Kumar A. Pomegranate (Punica granatum)-Overview International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences 2017; 1 (4):1218-1222.
- Edwin S, Joshi SB, Jain DC. Comparative pharmacognostical studies on ischolar_main powder of Plumbago zeylanica and plumbago rosea. Indian Journal of Natural Product 2008; 2: 27-9.
- Gupta MK, Sharma PK, Ansari SH, Lagarkha RE. Pharmacognostical evaluation of Grewia asiatica fruits. International Journal of Plant Science 2006; 1(2): 249-51.
- Mukherjee PK. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs: An Approach to Evaluation of Botanicals. Business Horizons Publishers, New Delhi, India. 2002.
- Forty-sixth WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations in October 2011 for addition to the 4th Edition of the International Pharmacopoeia.
- Mehta, A.; Barker, G. C. "The dynamics of sand". Reports on Progress in Physics.1991; 57 (4): 383. Bibcode:
- Bower, Michael I. & P. Heinrich Stahl. 2008. "Preparation of Water-Soluble Compounds through Salt Formation." In Camille Georges Wermuth. The Practice of Medical Chemistry, pp. 747–766. Burlington, MA: Elsevier, pg. 756.
- Beddow, J. K. 1995. "Professor Dr. Henry H. Hausner, 1900–1995." Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 12: 213. doi:10.1002/ppsc.19950120411
- Pharmacognostic Evaluation and Standardization of the leaves of Punica granatum
Abstract Views :408 |
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1 Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology (PSIT), Kanpur, IN
1 Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology (PSIT), Kanpur, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 12, No 7 (2019), Pagination: 3255-3260Abstract
Background: As the allopathic medication system is being widely followed but the reported side effects have posed an important cause of concern hence researches are being conducted on the use of herbal medications which have given us fruitful results and complications are hardly reported. In the complete system of the medicinal loop, herbs have prominent and respective place Punica granatum leaves reveals punica granatum as a valuable medicinal plant with numerous medicinal properties. Objective: The objective of the present study is to evaluate the physicochemical and phytochemical activities of Punica granatum leaves so that its beneficial effect could be used in the treatment of diabetes. Method: The leaf powder was extracted using solvent namely ethanol, standardization is done using standard methods. The macroscopic and microscopic characters of leaves were performed in the laboratory of PSIT. Result and Conclusion: The study could be useful in diagnosis for the identification and preparation of a monograph of the plant. The Pharmacognostic evaluation of the plant was performed and diverse parameters were taken into consideration. Hence a detailed report is presented on the powder of dried leaves of Punica granatum. The macroscopical studies indicated presence of simple leaf length 2-4 cm and opposite arrangement. Physicochemical Parameters such as loss on drying and pH observed as 17.04% and 4 respectively. Chemical constituent present in it such as alkaloids, carbohydrate, reducing sugar, flavonoids and phenols. Considering all these facts we can say that ethanolic extract of Punica granatum leaves contains more constituents it can be considered beneficial for further investigation. A typical research and developmental work needs to be carried out for its better therapeutic and commercial utilization.Keywords
Punica granatum, Diabetes, Standardization, Physicochemical, Phytochemical.References
- Wal P, Wal A, Gupta S, Sharma G, Rai AK. Pharmacovigilance of herbal products in India. Journal of Young Pharmacists 2014; 3: 256-258.
- Mehta D, Mehta M. Punica grantum L. (Punicaceae): lifeline for modern pharmaceutical research. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2012; 3: 185-199.
- Bapodara M, Nagani K, Sumitra Chanda. Pharmacogenetic and Physicochemical study of Punica granatum L. leaf Pharmacognosy Journal. 2011; 1: 29-32.
- Bhowmik D, Gopinath H, Kumar P B, Duraivel S. Medicinal Uses of Punica granatum and Its Health Benefits. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry. 2013; 28 -35.
- Rahimia H.R, Arastoob M and Ostada S.N. A Comprehensive Review of Punica grantum (Pomegranate) Properties in Toxicological, Pharmacological, Cellular and Molecular Biology Researches. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2012), 11 (2): 385-400.
- Saroj J.K, Ravindrabau Y, Parmar ld. study of morphological variability among fifty accessions of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.). Global general of bio science and biotechnology2017; 6 (4): 617-622
- Russo G., Pacucci C, Pacifico A, Matarrese A.M.S. The Pomegranate, Punica granatum L.: sustainability and improvement of biodiversity in Apulia, 2012 II International Symposium on the Pomegranate 91-93. Cited on Nov 22 2018.
- Hague N., Sofi G., Ali W, Rashid M, Itrat M. A comprehensive review of phytochemical and pharmacological profile of Anar (Punica granatum Linn): A heaven’s fruit. Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 2015; 1(1): 22-26.
- Khandelwal KR. Practical Pharmacognosy. Nirali Publication, India. 2008; 20-25
- Pal R.S, Pal Y, Wal P and Wal A . Pharmacogenetic Evaluation of Roots of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn (Cucurbitaceae). The Open Plant Science Journal, 2018; 11(3).
- Kumari, Dora J, Kumar A and Kumar A. Pomegranate (Punica granatum)-Overview International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences 2017; 1 (4):1218-1222.
- Edwin S, Joshi SB, Jain DC. Comparative pharmacognostical studies on ischolar_main powder of Plumbago zeylanica and Plumbago rosea. Indian Journal of Natural Product 2008; 2: 27-9.
- Gupta MK, Sharma PK, Ansari SH, Lagarkha RE. Pharmacognostical evaluation of Grewia asiatica fruits. International Journal of Plant Science 2006; 1(2): 249-51.
- Mukherjee PK. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs: An Approach to Evaluation of Botanicals. Business Horizons Publishers, New Delhi, India. 2002.
- Forty-sixth WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations in October 2011 for addition to the 4th Edition of the International Pharmacopoeia.
- Mehta, A.; Barker, G. C. "The dynamics of sand". Reports on Progress in Physics.1991; 57 (4): 383. Bibcode:
- Bower, Michael I. and P. Heinrich Stahl. 2008. "Preparation of Water-Soluble Compounds through Salt Formation." In Camille Georges Wermuth. The Practice of Medical Chemistry, pp. 747– 766. Burlington, MA: Elsevier, pg. 756.
- Beddow, J. K. 1995. "Professor Dr. Henry H. Hausner, 1900–1995." Particle and Particle Systems Characterization 12: 213. doi:10.1002/ppsc.19950120411