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Krishnaswami, S.

  • Growth Increment and Genetic Variability in Relation to Age in Saplings of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.

  • Studies on the Effect of Caspsule Weight on Seedling Vigour in Eucalyptus tereticornis

  • Coptosoma ostensum Dist. - a Pentatomid Pest of Palas (Butea monosperma) with Notes on its Coccinellid Predator Synia melanaria Var. Rougeti Muls. And Egg Parasite Telenomus species

  • Lac Cultivation Trials on Moghania macrophylla (willd.) O. Ktze (Syn. Flemingia congesta Roxb. Var. Semialata Bak.)

  • Effect of Artificial Partial Defoliation of Palas (Butea monosperma) on Brood Lac Preservation in the Baisakhi Crop

  • Lac Cultivation in Assam with Notes on the Use of Arhar (Cajanus cajan) and Other Species as Lac Hosts

  • Studies on the Determination of Optimum Amount of Broodlac Requirement for Crop Inoculations

  • Systematic Trials of Lac Cultivation on Chont (Zizyphus xylopyra Willd.) in Madhya Pradesh-pruning

  • Pruning and Lac Cultivation Studies on Ghont (Zizyphus xylopyra Willd.) (Rhamnaceae) at Namkum