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Gupta, Santosh
- Antisecretory and Antiulcer Activity of Cartaeva nurvala against Indomethacin plus Pyloric Ligation Induced Gastric Ulcers in Rats
1 Pacific College of Pharmacy, Pacific Hills, Airpoart Road, Pratapnagar Extension, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 5 (2011), Pagination: 256-259Abstract
Aims: To study the anti-secretory and anti-ulcer activity of Cartaeva nurvala(ethanolic extract) and its action against indomethacin plus pyloric ligation induced gastric ulcers in rats.Settings and Design: Rats treated with two oral doses of indomethacin suspension as a standard dose, at an interval of fifteen hours, two hours after the second dose of indomethacin, Pyloric ligation was carried the rats were destroyed by over-dose of anesthetic ether. Pyloric ligation was done only to collect the gastric content for analysis.
Methods and Material: Indomethacin plus pyloric ligation (PL) induced gastric ulceration model was used in the study.
Statistical analysis used: The results were expressed as mean ± SEM. The significance of difference between mean values for the various treatments was tested using the unpaired student 't' test P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Treatment from Cartaeva nurvala crude extract for fifteen days significantly reduced ulcer index when compared with control group. Crude extract also significantly reduced volume of gastric secretion, free acidity and total acidity. A significant increase in total carbohydrate (TC) and TC/total protein (TP) ratio of gastric juice was also observed. No significant change in the total protein was noted.
Conclusions: Cartaeva nurvala was found to be an effective anti-ulcerogenic agent, whose activity can well be compared with that of ranitidine hydrochloride.
Anti-Ulcer Activity, Cartaeva nurvala, Indomethacin Plus PL.References
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