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Das, Somnath
- Effects of Cash Conversion Cycle on Cash Management - A Study on IT Sector
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1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance, Vol 2, No 1 (2014), Pagination: 47-63Abstract
This paper is made with an attempt to analyze the Cash Conversion Cycle and its effect on Cash Management of some well known IT companies (Philips, Asian Electronics Ltd., Wipro, CMC and Videocon) in India. The secondary data for analysis are retrieved from Capitaline database for ten years period from 2002-2011.Cash Conversion Cycle is an important concept. of Working Capital Management. The term CCC is used as a comprehensive measure of working capital because it considers the time gap between expenditure for the purchases of raw- materials and collection from sale of finished goods. So firm’s short term assets and liabilities in a daily management play an important role in the success of the firm.Keywords
Cash Conversion Cycle, Liquidity, Cash Management- Business and Financial Risk: a Study on Fmgc Companies in India
Abstract Views :506 |
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1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Hooghly., IN
1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Hooghly., IN
Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, Vol 2, No 1 (2013), Pagination: 34-43Abstract
The paper is an attempt to analyse the Business Risk and Financial Risk and its effect on profitability of well known FMCG companies (HUL, Nirma, Dabur and Marico) in India. The secondary data for analysis is retrieved from Capitaline database for ten years period from 1995-96 to 2005-06. The study aims to measure Business risk with the help of FTTR and DOL and Financial Risk with the help of DFL and DER and total risk with the help of DOL and DFL. The study also explores effects of profitability i.e. Profit before interest and tax margin (PBITM), Return on capital employed (ROCE) and Return on Net-Worth (RONW) to the firm's performance. The study measure the relationship between the Business Risk and Financial Risk by using Pearson's simple correlation technique and to test such coefficients by 't' test. The study of the interrelation between the business risk associated with all the companies and their operating earning capability does not confirm to the generally accepted rule that higher the degree of business risk greater the profitability.Keywords
Business Risk, Financial Risk, FMCG Companies, Degree of Operating Leverage, Degree of Financial LeverageReferences
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- Creditworthiness is a Technique of Cash Management - A Study on IT Sector
Abstract Views :418 |
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1 Commerce, Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
1 Commerce, Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
International Journal of Business Analytics and Intelligence, Vol 2, No 2 (2014), Pagination: 37-46Abstract
It is the age of competitive environment. Sound credit management approach can ensure success in this environment. Credit analysis is actually risk analysis. In the competitive environment and changing scenario, every business organisation has been trying to overcome such situation. Due to failure in competition, market share, and economies in business, many small businesses walk in the path of mergers and acquisitions, and big giant organisation take the advantage. Now the companies are diversified into variety of products and services. Therefore, to make the organisation profitable some objective information is required. As a business firm grows or is taken over by giant organisations, the decision making process becomes more complex and centralised and the old traditional methods of credit analysis become misleading. So in this paper we tried to give importance to the credit management.Keywords
Cash Management, Creditworthiness, Liquidity, Risk Description Model.References
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- Creditworthiness Measures the Efficiency of Cash Management-A Study on it Sector
Abstract Views :285 |
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1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, Vol 3, No 4 (2014), Pagination: 6-14Abstract
We live in a competitive age of environment. Sound credit management approach can ensure success in this environment. Credit analysis is nothing but risk analysis. Today's competitive environment and changing scenario, every business organization tries to overcome such situation. To cope with malfunctioning in competition, market share and economies in business, many small businesses walk in the path of mergers and acquisitions, and giant organisations take advantage. Now the companies are diversified into variety of products and services. So, to make the organisation profitable, some objective information is required. Now a days as business firm grows or is taken over by large organisation, therefore, the decision making process becomes more complex and centralised and the old traditional methods of credit analysis become misleading. So in this paper we tried to give importance to the effect of creditworthiness on cash management.Keywords
Liquidity, Cash Management, Creditworthiness, Credit Score, Risk Description Model and Efficiency of Cash Management.- Cash Management in IT Sector- A Study
Abstract Views :230 |
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1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
1 Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, Vol 4, No 3-4 (2015), Pagination: 27-39Abstract
Cash plays a very important role in modern business, specifically a new one. Cash is the life blood of every business. Cash may be in the form of liquid money, bank balance etc. In this respect, cash management is both art as well as science of managing a company's short-term resources for its ongoing activities, mobilising funds and optimising liquidity. In this contest another important concept which is related with the cash management is the Treasury technique which emphasizes the liquidity by different factors and processes which convert immediately into cash for increasing profitability. Inefficient cash management may lead the company to bankruptcy. In this paper we highlighted different perspectives by which we can control the corporate cash of the company from Cash Conversion Cycle, Cash Flow, and Creditworthiness point of view. In this paper we tried to interlink among them to control and manage cash well, so that bankruptcy can be prevented and profitability should be improved.Keywords
Cash Management, Treasury Management, Cash Conversion Cycle, Cash Holding and Creditworthiness.- Measuring the Performance Through Cash Flow Ratios-A Study on CMC
Abstract Views :325 |
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1 Department of Commerce, Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
1 Department of Commerce, Rabindra Mahavidyalaya, Champadanga, Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, Vol 6, No 4 (2017), Pagination: 1-9Abstract
Cash flow ratios of a company help its financial users to get relevant information regarding its financial resources for a given period. Cash flow ratios are now being randomly used by the researchers, rather than traditional ratios. It is more effective and justified. Cash flow-based ratios are especially surprising. This is because they do not only play a significant role in the credit rating of evaluation, but also forecast the failure of a corporation. In this study, we considered the company CMC for analysis. From the study, it is clear that the liquidity and solvency position of the company is moderate, whereas the company maintained low profitability. On the other hand, the efficiency ratios and sufficiency ratios the study gives us provide a new look of financial judgement.Keywords
Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, Efficiency, Sufficiency Ratios.References
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- Effect of WCM on the Profitability of Selected FMCG Companies – A Study
Abstract Views :141 |
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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya (Under The University of Burdwan), Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya (Under The University of Burdwan), Hooghly, West Bengal, IN
International Journal of Applied Marketing and Management, Vol 6, No 2 (2021), Pagination: 1-11Abstract
Corporate sustainability is a process of creating value of shareholders and stakeholders, by proper implementation of business strategies, considering the social, environmental, and economic factors. After the major crisis of 2007-08, the financial sustainability of businesses was badly affected. And now, due to the lockdown for COVID-19 around the world, productions are getting stopped, factories are closed, and the employed are becoming unemployed. Thus, corporate financial sustainability is essential to conglomerate the social, environment, and economic pillars. For developing financial sustainability, WCM plays a very important role in every industry. In this study, DTR, ITR, CCC, and return on net worth have been used to measure the influence of working capital management on profitability. In this study, the top four FMCG companies (HUL, ITC, Marico and Nestle) have been selected for analysis. The data of the said companies have been analysed through descriptive statistics, ADF unit root test, and least square regression equation (by using EViews 11 student version software). DTR, ITR, and CTR have a positive relationship with profitability, but CCC is negatively associated with profitability. Based on the findings, we can say that the firm’s profitability is highly influenced by WCM. We also recommend that there is need to review the debtors, creditors, and inventory, periodically. Sales, purchase, and inventory departments are to work together as a united team, so that optimum inventory level can be maintained and profitability can be increased.Keywords
Working Capital Management, Profitability, Debtors, Creditors, Inventory Turnover Ratio, Return on Net Worth, Cash Conversion Cycle, Corporate Financial SustainabilityReferences
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