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Fakir, Taghreed
- Allelopathi Effect of the Leaf Extracts of Zizyphus spina-christi (Sedr), Salix fragilis L. and Ricinus communis L. on Seed Germination Percentage of Triticumae stivum L. in Iraq
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Ali Yasir
Nada Mohammed Reda
Hameeda Abd Noor
Taghreed Fakir
Salwa Hamza
Inaam Jawad
Furqan Sadadam
Ban Shakr
1 Biological Department, College of Girls Education, University of Kufa, IQ
1 Biological Department, College of Girls Education, University of Kufa, IQ
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 11, No 1 (2018), Pagination: 187-192Abstract
This study investigated the effect of the aqueous leaf extracts of Zizyphuss pina-christi (Sedr.), Salixfragilis L., and Ricinus communis L. on seed germination percentage of (wheat) Triticumae stivum L. Boiled water and alcohol were used to prepare different concentrations of leaf extracts (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) and control. Results showed that the effects of alcoholic leaf extracts of Zizyphuss pina-chris L, Salix fragilis L and Ricinus communis L on seed germination percentage were superior over those of the control (distilled water). Moreover, the alcoholic leaf extract of Zizyphus exerted the highest impact on seed germination percentage. Increased concentration of all leaf extracts inhibited seed germination, except under 20% alcoholic leaf extract of Zizyphus, which showed the opposite effect, which in turn reflected the increase in other growth parameters.Keywords
Zizyphus spina-christi (Sedr.), Salix fragilis L., Ricinus communis, Triticumae stivum L.References
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