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Alliance University

Bangalore, India.
Kumar, Sunil
Nair, Aswathi
Rao, Nagaraja
Roy, Neha Chhabra

Alliance School of Business

Chakraborty, Joy
Sharma, Kshitiz

Department Management Science, School of Business

Dash, Mihir

Department of Marketing, School of Business

Sharma, Kshitiz

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alliance College of Engineering and Design

Suresh, R.

Department, Management Science, School of Business

Dash, Mihir

Management Science, School of Business

Dash, Mihir

Marketing, School of Business

Akshaya, L.

School of Business

Ahuja, Bhavna Ranjan
Akshaya, L.
Dash, Mihir
Muthyala, Arpana
Nair, Aswathi
Rao, Karanam Nagaraja
Sharma, Kshitiz

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