Institution Details

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Gadjah Mada University

Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Tjokronagoro, Maesadji

Departement of Computer Science and Electronics

Harjoko, Agus
Hartati, Sri
Wardoyo, Retantyo

Department of Computer Science and Electronics

Istiyanto, Jazi Eko
Mustofa, Khabib
Tundjungsari, Vitri
Wardoyo, Retantyo

Department of Electrical Engineering

Kadir, A.
Nugroho, L. E.
Santosa, P. I.
Susanto, A.

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Soesanti, Indah
Susanto, Adhi
Widodo, Thomas Sri

Dept. of Computer Sciences and Electronics

Hartati, Sri
Istiyanto, Jazi Eko
Wardoyo, Retantyo

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