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Perceived Innovation Championing Strategies and Intrapreneurial Orientation: The Role of Social Cultural Context

1 Department of Humanities and Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India

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The study examines the impact of intrapreneurial orientation of employees on innovation championing strategies in Indian cultural context. The Data were collected from 272 executives from manufacturing sector having established record of innovation. The results show that intrapreneurial orientation has a significant impact on perceived cross-functional support championing strategies, where achievement in business/workplace produced significant and positive association. The results also suggest that when factors of culture were taken together with intrapreneurial orientation factors, it showed the significant impact on perceived cross-functional strategies. In the second model, the cultural factors acted as mediator for perceived locus of support strategies; where self-serving calculative behavior producing significant and positive results. The study has implications for management that they need to focus on increasing innovative behavior by developing entrepreneurial culture at the workplace.


Indian social cultural context, Innovation championing strategies, Intrepreneurship orientation, Manufacturing sector, Mediation analysis.

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  • Perceived Innovation Championing Strategies and Intrapreneurial Orientation: The Role of Social Cultural Context

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Nupur Sinha
Department of Humanities and Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India
Kailash B. L. Srivastava
Department of Humanities and Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India


The study examines the impact of intrapreneurial orientation of employees on innovation championing strategies in Indian cultural context. The Data were collected from 272 executives from manufacturing sector having established record of innovation. The results show that intrapreneurial orientation has a significant impact on perceived cross-functional support championing strategies, where achievement in business/workplace produced significant and positive association. The results also suggest that when factors of culture were taken together with intrapreneurial orientation factors, it showed the significant impact on perceived cross-functional strategies. In the second model, the cultural factors acted as mediator for perceived locus of support strategies; where self-serving calculative behavior producing significant and positive results. The study has implications for management that they need to focus on increasing innovative behavior by developing entrepreneurial culture at the workplace.


Indian social cultural context, Innovation championing strategies, Intrepreneurship orientation, Manufacturing sector, Mediation analysis.
