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Evaluating Management’s Environmental Commitment and Link with Firm’s Environmental Orientation

1 Murdoch University Singapore, #06-04 King’s Centre, 390 Havelock Road, Singapore, 169662, Singapore
2 Griffith Business School, Gold Coast, QLD 4222, Australia

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This paper develops relatively new constituents of environmental commitment of managers (namely affective environmental commitment, continuance environmental commitment and normative environmental commitment) and then evaluates their contributions to environmental orientation of the organization. The paper starts with the question of whether environmental commitment of managers leads to the environmental orientation of an organization, and concludes that environmental commitment of managers that are attributed by affective, continuance and normative dimensions, clearly leads to environmental orientation of an organization.


Environmental Orientation, Affective Environmental Commitment, Continuance Environmental Commitment, Normative Environmental Commitment, Management Environmental Decisions, Environmental Policy, Green Vision of Leaders, Asia.

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  • Evaluating Management’s Environmental Commitment and Link with Firm’s Environmental Orientation

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Sumesh R. Nair
Murdoch University Singapore, #06-04 King’s Centre, 390 Havelock Road, Singapore, 169662, Singapore
Nelson Oly Ndubisi
Griffith Business School, Gold Coast, QLD 4222, Australia


This paper develops relatively new constituents of environmental commitment of managers (namely affective environmental commitment, continuance environmental commitment and normative environmental commitment) and then evaluates their contributions to environmental orientation of the organization. The paper starts with the question of whether environmental commitment of managers leads to the environmental orientation of an organization, and concludes that environmental commitment of managers that are attributed by affective, continuance and normative dimensions, clearly leads to environmental orientation of an organization.


Environmental Orientation, Affective Environmental Commitment, Continuance Environmental Commitment, Normative Environmental Commitment, Management Environmental Decisions, Environmental Policy, Green Vision of Leaders, Asia.
