A Comprehensive View of State-of-Art of 5G Network Slicing
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Network Slicing is a concept that creates multiple virtual networks that serve the purpose of various service requirements. These logical networks created on top of the same physical network infrastructure are called “network slices”. Each slice of the network acts as an isolated network that is end-to-end and customized to achieve the requirements as expected by the application. This network slicing is one of the driving aspects in the 5G networks, which promises to provide various services as per the user requirement. A study is made on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networks (SDN) which forms the driving aspects for network Slicing in 5G networks. Also, the state of art developments in the field of network slicing has been studied and explained. The paper presents the benefits of 5G network slicing from the technical point of view and later describes different vertical segments that make use of slicing of 5G networks. It can be stated that network slicing in 5G networks offers to improve the efficiency of the 5G networks and also helps to achieve the expected and promised performance of the 5G in the coming future.
5G Networks, 5G Network Slicing, Network as a Service, Network Slicing.
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