Role of Work Environment on Need Satisfaction in Asias Largest Transport Public Sector Organisation the Indian Railways
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A healthy work environment is important to create social relations at workplace and also to maintain the relationship between colleagues, supervisors, managers, and the organization. And also, effective results & productivity for any organization is confined in the level of satisfaction of employees and work environment in which they work. This research paper is an attempt to study the effects of multiple dimensions of work environment on need satisfaction in Asias largest public sector organization. Significant zero-order (p<.001) correlation of perceived work environment with need satisfaction was observed. Robustness check to use OLS Multiple Regression Analysis was carried out and satisfied. Multiple regression analysis showed six critical predictors in perceived work environment of need satisfaction, explaining 50.09% of the variance. Cohens ƒ2 values showed effect size magnitude is real and is very large varying from 0.672 to 1.037. Implications for organisation are discussed.
Loco Pilot, Work Environment, Public, Indian Railways.
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