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Adoption of E-Recruitment Mobile Apps:A Study Based on UTAUT2 Framework

1 Department of HRM, Central University Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India

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The growing role of technology has changed the prototype of E-recruitment process and transformed E-recruitment industry. Despite the popularity of technology and e-recruitment, there is a limited understanding of m-job search apps adoption in literature. To understand the adoption, a real version of extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology was used. The data were collected from the students who were studying professionals’ courses at the Central Universities of Jammu and the Central University of Himachal Pradesh. The findings of the present study have numerous theoretical and practical implications. The contribution of this study will really help app developers to keep in mind various relevant things while developing apps.


Smartphone-Job Search Apps, UTAUT2 and E-Recruitment, Mobile Apps.
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  • Adoption of E-Recruitment Mobile Apps:A Study Based on UTAUT2 Framework

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Neeraj Dhiman
Department of HRM, Central University Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Neelika Arora
Department of HRM, Central University Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India


The growing role of technology has changed the prototype of E-recruitment process and transformed E-recruitment industry. Despite the popularity of technology and e-recruitment, there is a limited understanding of m-job search apps adoption in literature. To understand the adoption, a real version of extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology was used. The data were collected from the students who were studying professionals’ courses at the Central Universities of Jammu and the Central University of Himachal Pradesh. The findings of the present study have numerous theoretical and practical implications. The contribution of this study will really help app developers to keep in mind various relevant things while developing apps.


Smartphone-Job Search Apps, UTAUT2 and E-Recruitment, Mobile Apps.
