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Perception of the Middle-Level Managers on 360-Degree Feedback Process:An Empirical Study

1 HRM, SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore, Karnataka, India

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Organizations have employed 360-degree feedback as a tool for performance assessment and employee development for almost a decade now, with reasonable success. However, as there are always two sides to everything, 360-degree as an assessment tool is not an exception. Due caution may have to be employed by organizations, before they use this tool for assessment. Authors attempted to investigate the perception of the middle-level managers, working in different sectors, in the cities of Bangalore and Mysore, on the 360-degree feedback process. Data revealed that the average importance level assigned to the issues of overall 360-degree feedback process, by the respondents, was significantly different. Also, there was significant sector-specific difference between average importance levels assigned to the issues of overall 360-degree feedback process. However, there was no gender-specific difference in the average importance level assigned to the issues. Based on the research findings, HR Departments may initiate in-depth employee opinion survey to investigate whether the managers forwarded socially acceptable responses. Also, HR Departments of the respective companies need to investigate the parameters of the respective company’s culture. Further cross-sectoral studies are also needed to substantial the present study findings.


360-Degree Feedback, Process Ownership, Confidentiality, Anonymity, Rater.
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  • Perception of the Middle-Level Managers on 360-Degree Feedback Process:An Empirical Study

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Mousumi Sengupta
HRM, SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore, Karnataka, India
Nilanjan Sengupta
HRM, SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore, Karnataka, India


Organizations have employed 360-degree feedback as a tool for performance assessment and employee development for almost a decade now, with reasonable success. However, as there are always two sides to everything, 360-degree as an assessment tool is not an exception. Due caution may have to be employed by organizations, before they use this tool for assessment. Authors attempted to investigate the perception of the middle-level managers, working in different sectors, in the cities of Bangalore and Mysore, on the 360-degree feedback process. Data revealed that the average importance level assigned to the issues of overall 360-degree feedback process, by the respondents, was significantly different. Also, there was significant sector-specific difference between average importance levels assigned to the issues of overall 360-degree feedback process. However, there was no gender-specific difference in the average importance level assigned to the issues. Based on the research findings, HR Departments may initiate in-depth employee opinion survey to investigate whether the managers forwarded socially acceptable responses. Also, HR Departments of the respective companies need to investigate the parameters of the respective company’s culture. Further cross-sectoral studies are also needed to substantial the present study findings.


360-Degree Feedback, Process Ownership, Confidentiality, Anonymity, Rater.
