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Machine Learning Based Maximum Power Prediction for Photovoltaic System

1 National Institute of Technology, GT Karnal Road, New Delhi 110 036, India
2 Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474 005, India

This manuscript proposes a data-driven machine learning algorithm to track maximum power for PV (photovoltaic) panel systems. Data from the PV panel system connected to a boost converter has been collected. PVVoltage, current, temperature, irradiance, PI and power value have been collected for the supervised machine learning-based modeling. Where PV Voltage, PV current, temperature,and irradiance are the predictors, and PI (proportional integral) is the response of the machine learning-based model. The proposed systembecomes more efficient with time while existing MPPT (maximum power point tracking) work on a specific logic for whole life. The model efficacy has been analyzed based on accuracy, scattering plot, and ROC (receiver operating characteristics) curve.


Supervised machine learning; Data driven modeling; Boost converter; MPPT (Maximum power point tracking)
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  • Machine Learning Based Maximum Power Prediction for Photovoltaic System

Abstract Views: 190  |  PDF Views: 116


Anshul Agarwal
National Institute of Technology, GT Karnal Road, New Delhi 110 036, India
Nitish Kumar
National Institute of Technology, GT Karnal Road, New Delhi 110 036, India
Pawan Dubey Dubey
Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474 005, India


This manuscript proposes a data-driven machine learning algorithm to track maximum power for PV (photovoltaic) panel systems. Data from the PV panel system connected to a boost converter has been collected. PVVoltage, current, temperature, irradiance, PI and power value have been collected for the supervised machine learning-based modeling. Where PV Voltage, PV current, temperature,and irradiance are the predictors, and PI (proportional integral) is the response of the machine learning-based model. The proposed systembecomes more efficient with time while existing MPPT (maximum power point tracking) work on a specific logic for whole life. The model efficacy has been analyzed based on accuracy, scattering plot, and ROC (receiver operating characteristics) curve.


Supervised machine learning; Data driven modeling; Boost converter; MPPT (Maximum power point tracking)