Application of Size and Shape Dependent Model for Shear Modulus of Nanomaterials
A simple theory based on bond energy model is developed. The model is used to predict the size and shape dependence of shear modulus of different nanomaterials. The results obtained are compared with the our theoretical predictions as well as experimental data. In small size range (<10nm) there is a very good agreement between earlier predictions as well as experimental observations. It is discussed that present model is very simple as compared with the earlier model. In addition to this, our model includes the effect of shape also, which has not been considered in earlier theory. Due to the simplicity and applicability of the model, it can be used to understand the size and shape dependence of shear modulus of nanomaterials. To the best of our knowledge, such simple model is not yet available in the literature to predict the size and shape dependence of shear modulus.
Shear Modulus, Nanomaterials, Size, Shape.
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