Multi-Functional Behaviour of Eu2O3 Embedded 3D Mesoporous Silica Template KIT-6
Rare-earth (RE) oxide embedded ordered mesoporous silica have been successfully prepared via a solution impregnation method. The structure and physical property of the nanocomposites (NCs) were studied by low-angle X-ray diffraction, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Photoluminescence (PL) and magnetic measurement. The NCs exhibited the room temperature 5D0→ 7Fj transition emission due to the presence of Eu3+ ions. Also the NC system showed a room temperature weak ferromagnetism due to the large oxygen vacancy present in the system. Photoluminescence, magnetic property and large surface area, make these NCs ideal multi-functional materials, which will have potential applications in the field of bio-medicine and drug-delivery. These kinds of nanocomposites are promising candidates for fabrication of various environment friendly smart devices.
Nanocomposites, Mesoporous Materials, Rare Earth Oxide, Magnetic Property.
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