A Vibrational Spectroscopic Method for Detection of Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Bodily Fluids
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has a significant level of clinical variability and is also diagnosed based on a variety of clinical factors. The absence of bio-marker prediction approach makes prompt identification and therapeutic diagnosis of these individuals difficult. With the advent of targeted medicines, it has become increasingly crucial to diagnose RA early in order to provide safe and timely disease management that can minimize long-term consequences that include joint tissue damage. Raman spectroscopy is currently gaining clinical acceptability as a label-free, non-invasive tool for obtaining a thorough biochemical signature of biological sample composition. The purpose of this research was to look at using confocal Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with statistical data analysis as an auxiliary or supplementary tool for completing the diagnostic process of RA using peripheral blood serum. Raman intensities and Functional group frequencies are assigned to amide chains in proteins and other intermediate structural components such as lipids of a normal individual and a RA patient were distinguished, and biochemical alterations were found. Experimental results shows that spectral shift in region I and region II in Figure 1 identifies the concentration of nucleic acids and TNF-α increases respectively, which causes inflammation in our body that initiates RA disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis; Raman spectroscopy; Nucleic acids; TNF-α.
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