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Hole Transport Layer Optimization for Mixed Halide Perovskite based Solar Cells to achieve Better Photovoltaic Performance

1 Renewable Energy Laboratory, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, India
2 Department of Physics, IIHS, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana 136 119, India
3 Department of Physics, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi 110 003, India
4 Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, India

Methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) has been emerged out as an efficient perovskite absorber material in solar cell applications and extensively studied on both experimental and theoretical fronts. However, these MAPbI3-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) undergo degradation due to thermal instability of MAPbI3, which in-turn deteriorates the performance of PSC for a long-run. In this work, we deal with the computational analysis of mixed-halide MAPb(I1-xClx)3 based PSCs by changing hole transport layers (HTLs) so that higher efficiency can be aimed. It has been observed that not only the appropriate band alignment of HTL with perovskite, but the mobility of HTL also play a pivotal role in achieving the better photovoltaic (PV) performance. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that Cu2O exhibits a better PV performance in contrast to other HTLs considered in our study. Thus, the present simulation work paves a path for the experimentalists to design similar PSCs by cutting-down the cost of experimental trials.


Methylammonium lead iodide; Perovskite absorber; Solar cells; Hole transport layers
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  • Hole Transport Layer Optimization for Mixed Halide Perovskite based Solar Cells to achieve Better Photovoltaic Performance

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Shweta Dhakla
Renewable Energy Laboratory, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, India
Parvesh K. Deendyal
Renewable Energy Laboratory, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, India
Harpreet Singh
Department of Physics, IIHS, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana 136 119, India
Monu Mishra
Department of Physics, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi 110 003, India
Sarvesh Kumar
Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, India
Manish K. Kashyap
Renewable Energy Laboratory, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, India


Methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) has been emerged out as an efficient perovskite absorber material in solar cell applications and extensively studied on both experimental and theoretical fronts. However, these MAPbI3-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) undergo degradation due to thermal instability of MAPbI3, which in-turn deteriorates the performance of PSC for a long-run. In this work, we deal with the computational analysis of mixed-halide MAPb(I1-xClx)3 based PSCs by changing hole transport layers (HTLs) so that higher efficiency can be aimed. It has been observed that not only the appropriate band alignment of HTL with perovskite, but the mobility of HTL also play a pivotal role in achieving the better photovoltaic (PV) performance. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that Cu2O exhibits a better PV performance in contrast to other HTLs considered in our study. Thus, the present simulation work paves a path for the experimentalists to design similar PSCs by cutting-down the cost of experimental trials.


Methylammonium lead iodide; Perovskite absorber; Solar cells; Hole transport layers
