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The Study on Effect of Meteorological Parameter and Influence of Forest on Atmospheric Radon Concentration in the Shankaraghatta Forest Environment

1 Department of PG Studies and Research in Physics, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Jnana Sahayadri 577 451, India

The spatial and temporal variations of radon concentration and meteorological parameters were measured in and around the Kuvempu University campus, situated in the Western Ghats of Shankaraghatta forest environment is measured by active technique using Scintillation cell and the meteorological parameters measured using Automatic Weather System (AWS. The activity concentration of radium in soil is determined by Gamma-ray spectrometer with NaI (Tl) detector. The measured data of the present study shows that the built-up environment and forest ecosystem have enhanced the natural radiation level. The variation of atmospheric radon concentration is depends on meteorological parameters, geographical and geophysical parameters. The diurnal variation shows the maximum concentrations were noticed in the early morning and minimum during afternoon. The seasonal variation shows maximum concentration during winter season and minimum during the summer season. These variations were mainly depending on meteorological parameters. The correlation between the radon concentration and the meteorological are discussed and presented in this paper. The present study was aimed to establish a base-line data of Annual effective dose equivalent (AED). The diurnal, seasonal variations in different environmental conditions were discussed and presented in this paper.


Atmospheric Radon Concentration, Metrological Parameters, Diurnal and Seasonal Variation, Built-Up Eenvironment and Forest Ecosystem, Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE).
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  • The Study on Effect of Meteorological Parameter and Influence of Forest on Atmospheric Radon Concentration in the Shankaraghatta Forest Environment

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Sandeep Dongre
Department of PG Studies and Research in Physics, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Jnana Sahayadri 577 451, India
Madhura R.
Department of PG Studies and Research in Physics, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Jnana Sahayadri 577 451, India
Department of PG Studies and Research in Physics, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Jnana Sahayadri 577 451, India
Sannappa J.
Department of PG Studies and Research in Physics, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Jnana Sahayadri 577 451, India


The spatial and temporal variations of radon concentration and meteorological parameters were measured in and around the Kuvempu University campus, situated in the Western Ghats of Shankaraghatta forest environment is measured by active technique using Scintillation cell and the meteorological parameters measured using Automatic Weather System (AWS. The activity concentration of radium in soil is determined by Gamma-ray spectrometer with NaI (Tl) detector. The measured data of the present study shows that the built-up environment and forest ecosystem have enhanced the natural radiation level. The variation of atmospheric radon concentration is depends on meteorological parameters, geographical and geophysical parameters. The diurnal variation shows the maximum concentrations were noticed in the early morning and minimum during afternoon. The seasonal variation shows maximum concentration during winter season and minimum during the summer season. These variations were mainly depending on meteorological parameters. The correlation between the radon concentration and the meteorological are discussed and presented in this paper. The present study was aimed to establish a base-line data of Annual effective dose equivalent (AED). The diurnal, seasonal variations in different environmental conditions were discussed and presented in this paper.


Atmospheric Radon Concentration, Metrological Parameters, Diurnal and Seasonal Variation, Built-Up Eenvironment and Forest Ecosystem, Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE).
