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Exploring the Effects of Entrance Channel and Fissility on Pre-scission Neutron Multiplicity and Nuclear Dissipation

1 Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana 136 119, India
2 Centre for Radio Ecology and Department of Physics, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana 125 001, India

The pre-scission neutron multiplicity and dissipation strength are studied for a systematic understanding of the role of entrance-channel in fusion-fission dynamics using the statistical model formalism. The measured pre-scission neutron multiplicity is found to be higher for symmetric reactions as compared to the asymmetric ones for a given compound nucleus, with the exception of a few reaction channels, where the presence of quasi-fission affects the neutron yield. The calculated pre-scission neutron multiplicities are compared with the experimentally measured values and it is found that for the majority of reactions, the calculated values of pre-scission neutron multiplicities are under-estimated. The under-estimation of pre-scission neutron multiplicity indicates that dissipation is required in the fission channel to reproduce the experimental data. The systematic behaviour of pre-scission neutron multiplicity and dissipation strength as a function of fissility of the compound nucleus is also explored for the select energy ranges. It is found that the pre-scission neutron multiplicity shows nearly increasing behaviour as a function of fissility of the compound nucleus, whereas, dissipation does not seem to follow such an increasing trend for the studied reactions.


Neutron multiplicity; Entrance channel effect; Dissipation strength; Fissility
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Abstract Views: 103

  • Exploring the Effects of Entrance Channel and Fissility on Pre-scission Neutron Multiplicity and Nuclear Dissipation

Abstract Views: 103  | 


Rakesh Kumar
Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana 136 119, India
Vikas .
Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana 136 119, India
Ranjeet Dalal
Centre for Radio Ecology and Department of Physics, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana 125 001, India
Hardev Singh
Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana 136 119, India


The pre-scission neutron multiplicity and dissipation strength are studied for a systematic understanding of the role of entrance-channel in fusion-fission dynamics using the statistical model formalism. The measured pre-scission neutron multiplicity is found to be higher for symmetric reactions as compared to the asymmetric ones for a given compound nucleus, with the exception of a few reaction channels, where the presence of quasi-fission affects the neutron yield. The calculated pre-scission neutron multiplicities are compared with the experimentally measured values and it is found that for the majority of reactions, the calculated values of pre-scission neutron multiplicities are under-estimated. The under-estimation of pre-scission neutron multiplicity indicates that dissipation is required in the fission channel to reproduce the experimental data. The systematic behaviour of pre-scission neutron multiplicity and dissipation strength as a function of fissility of the compound nucleus is also explored for the select energy ranges. It is found that the pre-scission neutron multiplicity shows nearly increasing behaviour as a function of fissility of the compound nucleus, whereas, dissipation does not seem to follow such an increasing trend for the studied reactions.


Neutron multiplicity; Entrance channel effect; Dissipation strength; Fissility