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Employee Engagement: The Impact of Organisational Justice, Perceived Support, and Person Fit
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In this competitive era, organisations are concentrating on engaging their employees, and this has become a competitive differentiator for the organisations. Most of the organisations today are becoming a powerful source of competitive advantage. Hence, engagement is seen as a capable wellspring of a game changer in these tumultuous times. This paper focuses on constructs like perceived organisational support, person-organisation fit, and organisational justice, and their influence on employees, which can help the organisations know and develop measures to engage employees and retain talent. This study was conducted on telecom employees working in telecom organisations. Responses from 255 employees were received, out of the 455 questionnaires distributed. The hypotheses focused on the relationships between perceived organisational support, person-organisation fit, and organisational justice, and employee engagement. The findings of the study suggest the impact of the antecedents on employee engagement and how these antecedents can help engage the employees in their work places. The results confirm that perceived organisational support, person-organisation fit, and organisational justice actually lead to employee engagement, ultimately retaining the employees and negatively impacting their ‘intention to quit’. This inculcates in employees a sense of belonging with the organisation, resulting in long-term relationships. This in turn keeps the organisation economically sound.
Employee Engagement, Organisational Justice, Perceived Organisational Support
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