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A Effects of Intrinsic Rewards on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in HEI:The Role of Conscientiousness

1 Assistant Professor, MM Institute of Management, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala, Haryana, India

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating and moderating effects of conscientiousness on the relationship between intrinsic rewards and knowledge sharing behaviour in Higher Education Institutions of Himachal Pradesh. Data were gathered from 116 faculty staff of private universities using questionnaires about intrinsic rewards, knowledge sharing and conscientiousness. Data was analysed using multiple hierarchical regression and Preacher and Hayes (2004) approach. The result shows as follows: Conscientiousness can be regarded as a mediating variable and a moderating variable between intrinsic rewards and knowledge sharing behaviour.


Knowledge Sharing Behaviour, Conscientiousness, Intrinsic Rewards, Higher Education Institutions, Rewards.
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  • A Effects of Intrinsic Rewards on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in HEI:The Role of Conscientiousness

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Sakshi Sharma
Assistant Professor, MM Institute of Management, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala, Haryana, India


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating and moderating effects of conscientiousness on the relationship between intrinsic rewards and knowledge sharing behaviour in Higher Education Institutions of Himachal Pradesh. Data were gathered from 116 faculty staff of private universities using questionnaires about intrinsic rewards, knowledge sharing and conscientiousness. Data was analysed using multiple hierarchical regression and Preacher and Hayes (2004) approach. The result shows as follows: Conscientiousness can be regarded as a mediating variable and a moderating variable between intrinsic rewards and knowledge sharing behaviour.


Knowledge Sharing Behaviour, Conscientiousness, Intrinsic Rewards, Higher Education Institutions, Rewards.
