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Exploring the Mediation Impact of Innovation and Adaptation to Change in Learning Organisation-Performance Outcomes

1 Lecturer, Govt. Degree College Udhampur, Jammu & Kashmir, India
2 Department of Commerce, University of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India

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Intense competition and sustainability have impelled organizations to continually innovate products, processes, services, and adapt to meet changing expectations of internal and external customers. In India, General Insurance Companies (GIC) are offering innovative products & services, digitizing services, collaborating with global players, etc. in a bid to build dynamism to their product portfolio. The present paper explored the existence of innovation and adaptation to change in mediating the relationship between Organisation Learning(LO) and Performance Outcomes (PO) .498 employees from 12 General Insurance Companies operating in Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir, India were contacted for the study. Results of Barron & Kenny’s and Kelloways method confirmed partial mediation of innovation and adaptation to change in the relationship between LO-PO. To accelerated innovation and adaptation, the paper suggested frequent brainstorming sessions, empowerment of employees, digitizination of services and bringing change management through training & education, compensation methods, exposure through business trips at national and international levels.


Learning Organization, Performance Outcomes, Mediation
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  • Exploring the Mediation Impact of Innovation and Adaptation to Change in Learning Organisation-Performance Outcomes

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Jyoti Sharma
Lecturer, Govt. Degree College Udhampur, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Neetu Andotra
Department of Commerce, University of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India


Intense competition and sustainability have impelled organizations to continually innovate products, processes, services, and adapt to meet changing expectations of internal and external customers. In India, General Insurance Companies (GIC) are offering innovative products & services, digitizing services, collaborating with global players, etc. in a bid to build dynamism to their product portfolio. The present paper explored the existence of innovation and adaptation to change in mediating the relationship between Organisation Learning(LO) and Performance Outcomes (PO) .498 employees from 12 General Insurance Companies operating in Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir, India were contacted for the study. Results of Barron & Kenny’s and Kelloways method confirmed partial mediation of innovation and adaptation to change in the relationship between LO-PO. To accelerated innovation and adaptation, the paper suggested frequent brainstorming sessions, empowerment of employees, digitizination of services and bringing change management through training & education, compensation methods, exposure through business trips at national and international levels.


Learning Organization, Performance Outcomes, Mediation
