Effect of Cultural Values on Human Resource Management Practices: Evidence from the Ethiopian Public Sector
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This research examined the effect of cultural dimensions on human resource management practices. Specifically, it examines the effect of collectivism, power difference, masculinity, long-term focus, and avoidance of uncertainty on HRM practices of employee recruitment and selection, employee training and development, employee performance appraisal, and employee compensation administration. In order to achieve this objective, quantitative research design was employed and primary data was gathered with a structured questionnaire. The target population was 958 people, of which 282 were taken as a sample using systematic random sampling method. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson Correlation and regression analyses were done to decide the association between and the effects of the constructs by using SPSS version 20. Finally, the research concludes that cultural values have a significant influence on employee recruitment and selection, employee training and development, employee performance appraisal, and employee compensation administration practices.
Cultural Value, HRM Practice, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, Compensation Administration
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