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Fault Ride-through Capability of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System

1 PG Scholar, EEE Department, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-625015, India
2 Associate Professor, EEE Department, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-625015, India
3 PG Scholar, EEE Department,Kalasalingam University, Madurai-625015, India
4 Assistant Professor, EEE Department PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore -641062, India

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In order to minimize the environmental pollution and to meet the demand of power generation, the electrical power is generated through the renewable energy resources. The wind energy is the massive energy resource compared to other mode of renewable energy resources. This paper deals on the fault ride-through capability of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) wind turbines. The main attention in the paper is, to control the PMSG wind turbine and its power converter and to the ability to protect itself without disconnection during grid fault is the main work focused in this project. Also this paper provides the necessary information on the interaction between variable-speed PMSG wind turbines and the power system subjected to faults, such as short circuit faults. The PMSG based WECS is subjected to the grid faults it will cause the oscillations in the DC link voltage at back to back converter. A crowbar and Super Conducting Fault Current limiters (SCFCL) is proposed to supress the DC link voltage oscillations and to enhance the Low Voltage Ride-through (LVRT) Capability of PMSG based wind turbine. To achieve the reactive power support at the grid side the STATCOM is implemented. The simulation results implemented in Matlab/Simulink show that the proposed control strategy not only improves the stability of PMSG by means of suppressing the DC-link voltage oscillation, but also provides a transient stability support to restraint the disturbance of the grid voltage.


PMSG (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator), DC link voltage, grid faults.
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  • Fault Ride-through Capability of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System

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M Rajvikram
PG Scholar, EEE Department, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-625015, India
P. Renuga
Associate Professor, EEE Department, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-625015, India
G. Aravind Kumar
PG Scholar, EEE Department,Kalasalingam University, Madurai-625015, India
K. Bavithra
Assistant Professor, EEE Department PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore -641062, India


In order to minimize the environmental pollution and to meet the demand of power generation, the electrical power is generated through the renewable energy resources. The wind energy is the massive energy resource compared to other mode of renewable energy resources. This paper deals on the fault ride-through capability of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) wind turbines. The main attention in the paper is, to control the PMSG wind turbine and its power converter and to the ability to protect itself without disconnection during grid fault is the main work focused in this project. Also this paper provides the necessary information on the interaction between variable-speed PMSG wind turbines and the power system subjected to faults, such as short circuit faults. The PMSG based WECS is subjected to the grid faults it will cause the oscillations in the DC link voltage at back to back converter. A crowbar and Super Conducting Fault Current limiters (SCFCL) is proposed to supress the DC link voltage oscillations and to enhance the Low Voltage Ride-through (LVRT) Capability of PMSG based wind turbine. To achieve the reactive power support at the grid side the STATCOM is implemented. The simulation results implemented in Matlab/Simulink show that the proposed control strategy not only improves the stability of PMSG by means of suppressing the DC-link voltage oscillation, but also provides a transient stability support to restraint the disturbance of the grid voltage.


PMSG (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator), DC link voltage, grid faults.