Test Experiences and Late Market Requests on Extruded Cable Systems up to 525 Kv Dc
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Today the world is facing the transition from traditional to renewable electricity generation and there is a need for new procedures and test facilities in order to meet new and different demands. For example, very fast polarity reversals that take into account the interconnections between markets in which the flow of energy can vary according to the climatic and / or economic conditions of the moment, or a greater ability to withstand electrical transients is required, giving greater confidence to all transient phenomena that occur in HVDC schemes such as during pole-to-ground fault, pole-topole fault, AC side faults etc. This paper intends to present the experiences gained in KEMA laboratories (FGH Mannheim) with reference to different aspects of the above-mentioned cable systems. Among other aspects, a suitable and scalable laboratory test setup for the imitation of expected TOV stresses is presented
Cable Interconnection, HVDC Cable Systems, Long Duration Tests, Polarity Reversal and TOV Tests.
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