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Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection in Cables using Line Impedance Resonance Analysis

1 Diagnostic Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. and Wirescan AS, Norway

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Line Impedance Resonance Analysis is a powerful technique to determine the location of water trees and physical damage in all cables, from LV to EHV. The technique, which uses the concept of frequency-domain reflectometry, was originally developed for nuclear plants and has now been commercialized for practical applications in the field of condition monitoring as well as fault location.


Cable Condition Monitoring, Fault Detection, Frequency-domain Reflectometry, LIRA.
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  • Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection in Cables using Line Impedance Resonance Analysis

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Aditya Korde
Diagnostic Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. and Wirescan AS, Norway
Björn Sonerud
Diagnostic Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. and Wirescan AS, Norway


Line Impedance Resonance Analysis is a powerful technique to determine the location of water trees and physical damage in all cables, from LV to EHV. The technique, which uses the concept of frequency-domain reflectometry, was originally developed for nuclear plants and has now been commercialized for practical applications in the field of condition monitoring as well as fault location.


Cable Condition Monitoring, Fault Detection, Frequency-domain Reflectometry, LIRA.
